
Imagine one day you wake up and discover that the couple you always thought were your parents are being adopted

Imagine a couple who you always thought were your birth parents awakening one sunny morning to discover that they are your adopted parents. This is how I came to know about my origins, which was a truly shocking discovery. Yes, it hurt at the time and it hit me hard, it hit me hard, it hit me hard, it was the same as Tenton truck did, but I didn’t know that this new information would change the course of my life and cause a bitter sweet domino effect that would lead me to such love and affection. The discovery was certainly worth a hit.

I began my journey to self-discovery with just one name, Pino. Yes, it was my mother’s nickname and that’s everything I knew. I knew her as my aunt Pinot through my family photo albums. Her real name is Laheera and I always knew her as mine Mum’s (Paternal uncle) Second wife. Mom Ishak was actually my birth father, but I didn’t know this until he died in a car accident in Syria in the early 80s. I was six years old at the time. Before he went to Syria on military delegate through the Pakistani Army Medical Corporation, he gave me a teddy bear I still have and worshipped.

My work was cut out for me. Pino’s family was completely separated from my adopted family. All I knew was that one of my adoptive father’s friends had somehow connected to Pinot. However, my adoptive father passed away in 2014. After that I was able to brooch the subject with him. He has been everything to me since Ammi passed away in 1999. I always knew him to be a kind person and a very honest and upright manager during his job. He was a military officer, serving as director of the Lahore Development Bureau and was managing director of the Sewerage Bureau from the mid- to late 80’s. Abu retired as a brigadier general and was a recipient of Sitara e Imitias, the Pakistani government. Through his story, I remembered that one of his friends had an affair with Pinot’s family.

I knew his friend’s mobile number was in one of his phone diaries. I was interested and wanted to learn more about my birth mother. I was also worried because I didn’t know who I was going to hit on the other side of the wall and what level of acceptability would be if there were. Finally, after many persuasive things from my wife, Mariam, I called to open a new door in a way I could never imagine. I always appreciate my wife’s support when I needed it the most.

We started by meeting Pino’s first cousin in Lahore, but from there I really didn’t look back. One after the other, I continued to meet blood relatives from all over the world. But I still couldn’t meet all of my first cousins ​​and uncles (my actual Mom Khalid), I’m so happy to know that despite the gap of over 40 years, my family kept me in their thoughts all the time and accepted me with the weapons that opened when I showed up.

This trip was exquisite. It was my first time seeing my cousin in Lahore, and I was able to see both sadness and joy in their eyes. When I spoke on the phone Hara For the first time, Zarina (living in the UK) couldn’t control her emotions. She was the one who wanted to adopt me when Pino passed away. However, Ishak ultimately decided to have his sister take me so that I live in Pakistan and be close to him. Therefore, it was a magical moment when I landed in England to meet Hara He then found himself in her loving embrace while tears fell from her eyes.

Some of my uncles and aunts have passed away, but the love that others showered me with gave me a very good idea of ​​what it would have been like if they were still in this world.

When I started looking more pictures of Pino, it gave me a chill. I learned that she was a great student, a good writer, a melodic singer and had a very cheerful and loving personality. I was able to discover her grave and visit her Miani Sahib The cemetery and it felt like I had never met her. On her gravestone, I found an excerpt from a poem written by Alama Muhammad Iqbal in memory of her mother when she passed away. Since then, I have never missed visiting her grave on the anniversary of her death. There, I pause and look back on these two lines from the poem of her inscription.

Asman Teri Lehad Par Shabnam Afshani Kare

Sabza-e-noorasta is Ghar Ki Nigehbani Kare

(May the sky strips the dew into your grave

Just as the newly grown greenery watches over your home.

I was fascinated to learn that my lineage is Kashmir on my motherly side. The 19th century elders moved from India to British reserves in Kenya. Over time they established themselves, and some of the family moved to Uganda. My great grandfather, Khwaja Shamsud Deen, became a member of the Kenya Legislative Council in 1922. Some of the family also became very successful businessmen in East Africa. Famous Indian/Pakistani writer Sadat Hassan Mant was also part of the family.

Pino met Ishak while visiting Lahore from East Africa. It was during this time they fell in love. There was strong opposition from the two families towards their union, but they could not separate them. Even when Ishaq was taken prisoner, distance could only make their love stronger. They eventually got married in 1974. I was born on March 16th, 1975. Just as all the good things have to come to an end, the Ishak and Pino love story ended as well, but that was too early.

Due to Ishack’s first marriage, Pinot took his life on September 10th, 1975 due to tensions at home. I was only six months back then and obviously had no idea what the disaster had done to me.

I call my adopted parents my guardian angels. Over the years I didn’t realize they were not my birth parents. And all the achievements depend on them in loving me for decades, continuing to make me realize bitter facts.

And how can I thank God for bringing me into this world as Pino’s son? But I don’t remember seeing her, but I thought when I was an infant, my little eyes must have stared at her. She spoke about me in the last letter she left before she finished her life and worried about my breeding. Her words showed affection and love that only a loving mother could feel in her child. After Pino’s death, when Ishak passes through a letter he wrote to his maternal side, he can feel suffering, sadness and helplessness from his writings, as he is clearly a broken man. Both Pino and Ishak always have a special place in my heart. After all, they are my parents.

When I first came to know about the facts, I didn’t expect to share these details publicly. But at my 46th I decided to open my birthday. I thought this was a love story that I had to tell, so I chose to share my story with the world: the love between Pino and Ishak. My foster parents love me. And the love that Pino and Ishak showered me until they lived.

I think I was a very lucky person. I am lucky to be protected by God when I am too small to secure myself. I am lucky to be born as the son of Pino and Ishack. And I was lucky enough to have been raised perfectly by my foster parents. I’m happy to say that I don’t have two parents now, I don’t have four. To reassure the whole world that I have rediscovered and fake this connection after these years of silence, mysteries and alienation, and to let the whole world know that I am Pino, my mother.


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