
The terrible physical condition of Gene Hackman and his wife Betsy Arakawa sparked suspicion after their sudden death.
The couple passed away at home on February 27, 2025 with their dog.
Follow TMZSanta Fe detectives who looked into the scene said, “There’s a sense of bloating in her face and mummification in her hands and feet.”
Betsy, 64, was found lying in a bathroom with a black space heater near her head.
Additionally, orange prescription bottles were left at the counter, scattered throughout the bathroom surface.
NBC News The search warrant reported that their deaths were “suspected enough to require a thorough search and investigation.”
Jean, 95, was found completely dressed in another room outside the kitchen.
Despite initial suspicion that the couple had died from carbon monoxide poisoning, officers said there were “no obvious signs of a gas leak.”
“At this time there are no indications or evidence that there are issues related to the pipes in or around the residence,” the statement read.
However, investigations are still underway, and the official cause of the death has not yet been determined.
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