
Hollywood icon Jean Hackman lamented the film industry after his tragic death along with his wife Betsie Arakawa.
The deaths of two Academy Award winners were confirmed on Thursday, February 27th.
The tributes from the famous star began pouring out shortly after his sudden death.
Francis Ford Coppola posted a photo of him conversation They performed together and captioned it. “The loss of a great artist always causes both mourning and celebration. Gene Hackman is a great actor who is touching and epic with his work and complexity. I lament his loss and celebrate his presence and contribution.”
Meanwhile, Edgar Wright simply remembered Gene as “maximum” in X.
Superman Star Valerie Perrine shared a snap of her photo with the veteran actor, saying, “The great Jean Hackman has passed away. He was a genius and one of the best people to adorn the silver screen.”
She said, “I was able to honor working with him in Superman. His performance is legendary. His talent is overlooked.
Gene created her name in the 20th century by winning an Oscar for her role as Jimmy “Popeye” Doyle in William Friedkin’s 1971 action thriller French connection.
In particular, he passed away at the age of 95.
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