HomeWorld NewsWhy Russia, China and Big Tech are using fake women to get...

Why Russia, China and Big Tech are using fake women to get clicks – vopbuzz

Why are Russia, China and Big Tech using fake women to get clicks?

Washington: Disinformation researcher Wen-Ping Liu examines China’s efforts to influence recent elections in Taiwan using fake information social media In their accounts, something unusual stood out in the most successful profiles. They were women, or at least they appeared to be. fake profiles Purportedly female accounts had more engagement, more engagement, and more influence than purportedly male accounts.“Act as if female “This is the easiest way to gain credibility,” said Liu, a researcher at Taiwan’s justice ministry.
Whether it is Chinese or Russian propaganda agencies, online scammers or AI chatbotsBeing a woman helps; This proves that even as technology becomes increasingly complex, the human brain is surprisingly easy to hack, thanks in part to its age. gender stereotypes They moved from the real world to the virtual world. “You want to add some emotion and warmth, and a very easy way to do that is to choose a woman’s face and voice,” said online researcher Sylvie Borau, who found that internet users in Toulouse, France, preferred “woman.” bots and see them as more humane than the “male” versions. People tend to view women as warmer, less threatening and more tolerant than men, Borau said. Meanwhile, men are often perceived as enemies. Therefore, many people may be more willing, consciously or unconsciously, to engage with a fake account that appears to be a woman.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman approached Scarlett Johansson when he was looking for a new voice for his ChatGPT artificial intelligence program. Johansson said Altman told her that users would “find” her voice, which served as a voice assistant in the movie “Her,” soothing. Johansson denied Altman’s request and threatened to sue when the company filed suit with what she called an “eerily similar” voice. OpenAI put the new voice on hold.
Feminine profile pictures, especially those showing women with flawless skin, full lips, and wide eyes in revealing clothing, can be another online attraction for many men. According to an analysis of more than 40,000 profiles, women’s social media profiles receive on average three times more views than men’s. According to the research, profiles of women who claim to be young receive the most views.
A report from the UN suggests there’s a much more obvious reason why so many fake accounts and chatbots are female: They’re created by men. More diversity in programming and AI development could lead to fewer gender stereotypes in its products, he said.

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