HomeWorld NewsSome hidden but interesting facts of the life of late Queen Elizabeth...

Some hidden but interesting facts of the royal life of the late British Queen Elizabeth II, who left the world last year, which most people will not be aware of.

The late Queen Elizabeth II, who left the world last year, has the honor of ruling the United Kingdom for a long time. He wore the crown of Britain for more than 70 years. Some hidden but interesting facts of his royal life have come to light which are being presented for the interest of the readers.

The Queen of Great Britain never went to school:

Do not think that the Queen of Great Britain was not educated. She was highly educated but received all her education at home from her teacher. Elizabeth II, who was also known as “Lily Bet” as a child, never attended school. of

Liberation from the “imprisonment” of the royal palace:

Queen Elizabeth II did not see the world outside the royal palace until her early teens. On May 8, 1945, when the end of World War II was being celebrated, Elizabeth and Margaret’s parents allowed the two sisters to mingle with the general public and the Queen of Great Britain, then only Princess Elizabeth, This evening was described as the most memorable evening of her life as she was coming out of the “imprisonment” of the royal palace for the first time and enjoying life with the public.

At what age to choose a life partner?

When Princess Elizabeth was just 13 years old, she took Prince Philip as her husband. who was her third cousin to whom she got engaged at the age of 21. Days never went on a date, but the correspondence between them definitely continued.

An interesting incident related to marriage:

Princess Elizabeth got married in 1947, but on the occasion of the wedding, the tiara on her head suddenly broke, after which the royal jeweler was immediately called. Fortunately, the tiara was attached before the wedding ceremony began, so Princess Elizabeth arrived at the wedding ceremony wearing the diamond-encrusted tiara. Her husband, Prince Philip, belonged to the royal family of Greece and Denmark, but after the marriage, he renounced all his earlier titles.

Queen Elizabeth’s Disliked Foods:

There are two foods that Queen Elizabeth absolutely dislikes, one is shrimp, crab, oysters and other shellfish and the other is garlic and raw onion. The aforementioned seafoods were disliked because they could lead to food poisoning or allergic reactions.

Exceptions were:

There must be some benefit to being a queen, so Queen Elizabeth could not be implicated in a case or called to testify in court. “However, no civil or criminal case can be instituted against the Queen,” the statement on the royal family’s website continued. However, he is careful to ensure that all his private activities are carried out in full compliance with the law.

Private ATMs at Shahi Palace:

The exact number of credit or debit cards Queen Elizabeth had is unknown, but whenever she needed cash to run errands, she didn’t have to go anywhere. The ATM machine was installed in the royal palace, Buckingham Palace.

Queen Elizabeth’s Foreign Visits:

During the 70-year reign of the Queen of Great Britain, the number of foreign visits is also in hundreds. His engagements were more than the combined activities of Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry. According to a report published in 2015, she attended 341 royal events in 2015, as if she has been attending one or the other almost every day.


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