HomeWorld NewsThe dramatic arrest of the robber husband and wife with a ten-rupee...

The husband and wife, the main accused in the robbery of 8.49 million rupees in Ludhiana last week, were arrested by the police in a dramatic manner.

According to Indian media reports, the police have arrested the accused Mandeep Kaur and her husband Jaswinder Singh, along with another accused Gaurav, in this case the police have so far arrested 9 of the 12 accused.

The Punjab Police had received a tip-off that Mandeep Kaur and her husband Jaswinder Singh were planning to flee to Nepal but before that they had plans to visit various religious places.

A juice box

It was difficult for the police to identify the two amid the huge crowd of devotees who flocked to the Sikh pilgrimage site in Uttarakhand, so the police planned to distribute free drinks to the pilgrims.

Meanwhile, the accused couple reached there, both the husband and wife had their faces covered, but as soon as they uncovered their faces to drink the juice, plainclothes policemen identified them and immediately detained them.

Husband & Wife

According to the media report, despite the identification of the accused earlier, they were not immediately arrested, but the police themselves allowed them to go to the shrine for worship.


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