HomeWorld NewsProposed H-1B and L-1 visa extension fees: Everything you need to know...

Proposed H-1B and L-1 visa extension fees: Everything you need to know – vopbuzz

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will likely impose a new H-1B extension fee for employers who employ skilled international workers with H-1B visas. The new decision would impose a $4,000 fee for all H-1B visa extensions; It’s a move aimed at reducing visa fraud and improving national security. It would also impose a $4,500 fee for L-1 visa extensions, which allow companies to transfer executives and managers from foreign offices to the United States.New extension fees are expected to come into force from July 8
Under the 911 Response and Biometric Entry-Exit Fee implemented in 2015, only companies with more than 50 employees and more than half of whom have H-1B or L-1 visas are currently required to pay these fees. However, with the new rule, these fees are paid. , will expand this fee requirement to all petitions for H-1B and L-1 visa extensions.
The H-1B visa is the preferred path for international business school students who want to work in the United States. Successful candidates can work in the United States for three years after completing a higher education degree, after receiving sponsorship from an employer who petitions the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Similarly, the L-1 visa allows U.S. companies to bring in executives and managers from offices abroad.
“These proposed changes are intended to strengthen our immigration system and ensure the integrity of employment-based visa programs while protecting national security,” DHS said.
DHS confirmed that new fees for H-1B and L-1 visa extensions will not become mandatory until a final decision is made. This regulation imposes an additional financial burden on businesses employing international talent, but is said to be necessary to strengthen national security.
What will change
Employers in the U.S. with 50 or more employees and more than 50% holding H-1B or L-1 visas must pay the fee for initial petitions or when there is a change of employer. Fees are $4,000 for H-1B petitions and $4,500 for L-1 petitions.
These fees will now need to be paid for visa extension petitions.
What will be the impact?
If implemented, employers who rely heavily on H-1B and L-1B visas would have increased financial burdens, which could force them to re-evaluate their hiring strategies.
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