HomeWorld NewsPakistan: New Congo virus case reported in Quetta - vopbuzz

Pakistan: New Congo virus case reported in Quetta – vopbuzz

ISLAMABAD: case The number of Congo viruses is increasing Pakistananother new case virus detected in quettaARY News reported Quoting sources on Sunday.
patient The 32-year-old was admitted to the isolation ward of Fatima Jinnah Hospital and is currently under medical care.
Hospital sources revealed that the patient was a resident of Qila Saifullah city in Qila Saifullah district. Balochistan province of Pakistan.
This is the 13th case so far. congo virus It was reported in Pakistan this year. According to ARY News, a patient who contracted the virus also died this year.
An 18-year-old young man who was previously diagnosed with Congo virus breathed his last in Peshawar. The patient was admitted to Khyber Teaching Hospital on May 17 after some symptoms attracted his attention.
Citing sources, ARY News reported that the patient was experiencing symptoms such as high fever, body aches and vomiting.
No additional cases of Congo virus were detected among the patient’s contacts, including healthcare workers and family members.
It was stated that the disease was caused by tick-borne Nairovirus. This virus is carried by animals such as cattle, goats, sheep and rabbits and is transmitted to humans through tick bites or contact with infected blood or tissues during and after slaughter.
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