HomeWorld NewsEye-catching revelations of former CEO of Twitter about press freedom in India

The former CEO of Twitter has made eye-opening revelations about press freedom in India.

According to the details, after the media channels in India, social media platforms have also come under the scrutiny of the Modi government.

According to Jack Dorsey, the Modi government called for a Twitter blackout during the farmers’ protests, which were said to stifle the voice of critical journalists along with the farmers’ protests.

Jack Dorsey said there were threats of dire consequences if the demands were not met, service shutdowns, office raids, even raids on employees’ homes.

There is serious concern in the world over the continuous decline of press freedom and human rights violations in India. Last year, BBC offices were also raided for airing a documentary against Modi.

Even in 2020, Amnesty International stopped working in India due to severe government pressure. According to the World Press Freedom Index, India ranks 150th and is continuously declining.


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