HomeWorld NewsWorst power crisis in Bangladesh, foreign exchange reserves dwindling

Dhaka: The South Asian country of Bangladesh is currently facing the worst power crisis these days, due to bad weather and power crisis due to abnormal devaluation of foreign exchange reserves.

According to the news agency, Bangladesh is currently facing the worst power crisis since 2013 due to serious problems such as difficulties in paying for fuel imports and dwindling foreign exchange reserves.

According to the report, extreme heat and increase in power consumption is predicted in Bangladesh from July to October, Bangladesh’s energy minister warned that the country may continue to experience power outages in the coming days.

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According to the report, in 5 months of the year, the country that supplies garments to global brands like Zara including Walmart and H&M had to stop production for 114 days because of the lack of electricity supply.

According to local and international media reports, the central power plant had to be shut down due to non-availability of coal in Bangladesh.

The report stated that foreign exchange reserves in the country decreased from 46 billion dollars in January last year to 30 billion dollars at the end of April this year.


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