HomeWorld NewsAmerican war plane worth 80 million dollars is missing; appeal to the...
It's been a day since the US stealth F-35 fighter jet went missing;  Photo: File

It’s been a day since the US stealth F-35 fighter jet went missing; Photo: File

Washington: The United States has appealed to citizens to help find a stealth fighter jet worth more than a day after it disappeared.

According to the World News Agency, the US Army’s F-35 stealth fighter jet went missing in South Carolina when the pilot jumped to save his life and the plane crashed after flying for a long distance.

After the plane went missing, a search operation was started for it, but no trace of it has been found yet. Stealth aircraft have the ability to deceive radar.

This is the reason why nothing of the aircraft has been found yet and no debris has been found anywhere, on which the Ministry of Defense has appealed to the public to inform them immediately if they get any information about the missing F-35 stealth aircraft.

It should be remembered that after the downing of 4 US military helicopters in a few weeks, the pilots were ordered to be grounded until the necessary training was completed.

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