HomeWorld NewsAccording to IAEA report, Iran's near-bomb-grade uranium stock has increased - vopbuzz

According to IAEA report, Iran’s near-bomb-grade uranium stock has increased – vopbuzz

VIENNA: Iranian increased its value even more to stock related to uranium enriched up close weapon class These levels are the latest in Tehran’s attempts to steadily apply pressure on the international community, according to a confidential report released Monday by the UN nuclear watchdog.
Iran wants economic sanctions imposed over its controversial nuclear program to be lifted in exchange for slowing down.This is all under the guidance of Iran’s supreme leader and is unlikely to change after the helicopter crash that killed Iran’s president and foreign minister.
The report, seen by the AP, stated that Iran currently has 142.1 kg of uranium. enriched Up to 60% – an increase of 20.6kg since the watchdog’s last report in February. Uranium enriched to 60% purity is only a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. According to the report, Iran’s total enriched uranium stock currently stands at 6,201.3 kg; This represents an increase of 675.8 kg since the International Atomic Energy Agency’s last report.
According to the IAEA’s definition, approximately 42 kg of uranium enriched to 60% is the amount at which it is theoretically possible to create an atomic weapon if the material is enriched to weapons-grade levels of 90%.
Iran maintains its nuclear program is peaceful, but IAEA chief Rafael Mariano Grossi has warned that Tehran has enough enriched uranium to make “several” nuclear bombs if it wants to. The official acknowledged that the agency could not guarantee that none of Iran’s centrifuges might have been dismantled for secret enrichment purposes.
The latest IAEA report also stated that Tehran has not reconsidered its decision in September 2023 to ban nuclear inspectors from monitoring its nuclear program. The report also stated that the death of Iranian Prez Raisi caused a pause in the IAEA’s negotiations with Tehran on improving cooperation. The report stated that Iran suggested that talks on cooperation between the IAEA and Iran “continue in Tehran on a mutually agreed upon appropriate date.”
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