HomeWorld NewsA major ban has been imposed in the Emirates from today

In the United Arab Emirates, a ban has been imposed on workers from working in open spaces during the afternoon hours. This ban will continue till September 15.

According to foreign media, the statement issued by the Ministry of Manpower and Emiratization has said that from Thursday, June 15, from 12:30 noon to 3:00 p.m., there will be a ban on hiring workers in open places and this ban will be effective on September 15. will continue until

While imposing the ban, the Ministry has expressed its confidence that the private sector will enforce the ban and take care of the health and safety of their employees as the ban on hiring workers in the heat in open areas during the afternoon has been imposed on humanitarian grounds and The highest international standards of occupational safety and health are being followed in the Emirates.

The Ministry of Manpower has also made it mandatory for the employers that the duty cannot be taken from the employees for more than 8 hours a day. If additional duties are performed, the employee shall be paid overtime.

The statement also said that the suspension of duty at noon will be exempted from such works which are unavoidable, provided that timely provision of first aid and provision of cold water along with other health and safety issues should be made for such employees. Special care should be taken.


#major #ban #imposed #Emirates #today

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