HomeWorld News'A drug is smoked every 20 minutes': US prez son's drug-filled past...

‘A drug is smoked every 20 minutes’: US prez son’s drug-filled past revealed in court – vopbuzz

Hunter Biden‘s ex-wife and ex-girlfriend testified Wednesday weapon test about finding it cracked pipes and the other drug paraphernaliaand jurors saw bare-breasted photos of the prez’s son in a bubble bath and heard about his visit to a strip club.
as First Lady Jill Biden The courtroom went silent as he sat in the front row Kathleen BuhleThe woman who had been married to Hunter for 20 years entered.She testified that she discovered her husband’s drug use on July 3, 2015, the day after their anniversary, when she found a cracked pipe in his ashtray. When she asked him, “he admitted to smoking drugs,” she said. “I was definitely worried and scared,” said Buhle, who divorced him in 2016 after his infidelity and drug use became too much.
The trial, about whether he lied on a gun purchase form in October 2018 when he said he wasn’t using drugs, turned into a deeply personal and detailed tour of Hunter’s mistakes and drug use, which has been the subject of tabloid news for years. and has been used publicly by Republicans. dismissal proposal USA vs. prez.
As the 2024 elections approach, allies worry about the damage this will do to Prez Biden. Hunter was charged with three felonies: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, falsely claiming on an application that he was not a drug user, and unlawfully possessing the gun for 11 days. Prosecutors said Hunter was a habitual user, could not stay clean for long, and was kicked out of the U.S. Navy after testing positive for cocaine.
Prosecutors also called Zoe Kestan, who testified that she met Hunter at the strip club where he worked in 2017. He described Hunter’s drug-fueled lifestyle in 2018, including a time they stayed in an expensive hotel for a month. Kestan said he usually smokes drugs every 20 minutes. The prosecution showed photographs of him with cracked pipes, including one in a soapy bathtub. However, she admitted that she did not see Hunter using drugs during the month he bought the gun because the two were at odds at that time. He faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted, but first-time offenders will receive a much lighter sentence.
Details of my brother’s widow throwing the gun
The widow of Hunter Biden’s brother told jurors at his federal gun trial Thursday of the moment he found the gun in his truck and described how he put it in a leather pouch, stuffed it in a shopping bag and threw it in an outside trash can. A market near his house. Hallie Bident stated that she found the gun and ammunition in October 2018 and said, “I panicked and wanted to get rid of them.”
“I didn’t want her to hurt herself, and I didn’t want my kids to find it and hurt themselves.” The purchase of the Colt revolver by Hunter and Hallie’s frantic disposal of it is the crux of the case against him. Prosecutors say the prez’s son was in the throes of a serious drug addiction when he bought the gun. Hallie, who had a short-term romantic relationship with Hunter after Beau Biden’s death, said she thought about hiding the gun, but decided to throw it away, thinking her children might find it. “I realize now that this was a stupid idea.” When asked by the prosecutor whether Hunter was using drugs at the time, he replied, “He might have been.”
(With input from AP/Reuters)
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