HomeWorld NewsTTP is not in Afghanistan but in Pakistan: Sohail Shaheen

Sohail Shaheen said, “Our focus right now is on the reconstruction of Afghanistan.” (Photo: Arab News)

Sohail Shaheen, a senior leader of the Afghan Taliban and head of the political office in Doha, has said that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is not in Afghanistan but in Pakistan.
Speaking in the Arab News program ‘Frankly Speaking’, Sohail Shaheen, in response to the question that Pakistan alleges that the Afghan government is not serious in stopping TTP, said that ‘TTP is not in Afghanistan and We have already said that we will not allow anyone to use the land of Afghanistan.
“They are in the tribal areas of Pakistan, so within Pakistan (action against them) it is their responsibility and not ours.”
Anchorperson Katie Jensen’s question on whether you recognize the Durand Line as an international border between you and Pakistan? A senior Taliban leader said, ‘It is not called the border, but the Durand Line. So saying this alone is enough to tell its status.’
Regarding relations with Pakistan’s security forces, he said, “We do not have security forces but relations with countries, and our policy is to live peacefully and have positive relations with neighboring countries.”
‘This is our policy and now it is up to them. You ask them what their policy is, if that’s what they want, that’s fine. It is good for the region, the neighboring countries, Afghanistan and all of us.’

‘We don’t want war but we can defend our country’

Regarding the border skirmishes with Iran in May this year, Sohail Shaheen said that we had an agreement with Iran 51 years ago and according to it, Iran was supposed to get 26 cubic meters (water) but they got more than that. Obtained because at that time there was a war situation in Afghanistan. I think this is a technical issue and can be resolved based on technical teams and agreement.
‘Also there is climate change. The water level is no longer what it was 50, 51 years ago. The situation is changing not only in Afghanistan but all over the world, the water level is decreasing. So according to the agreement and climate change they can take their share of water. I think an Iranian delegation is talking to our people to resolve this issue according to the agreement.’

He was asked that the situation on the border, can he stand in front of Iran? Sohail Shaheen replied that ‘we are protecting our rights, we are not violating any kind.
He said that ‘We are not violating anyone’s rights, we are not attacking anyone. We want to live in peaceful coexistence with all our neighbors.
The senior Taliban leader said, “Our focus right now is on the reconstruction of Afghanistan and for that we want good relations with our neighbours.” And if there is any problem, we want to solve it through negotiation. They want a peaceful solution and that is better for us and for them.’
Sohail Shaheen was asked that if he had to go to war with Iran, would he have an army? The Taliban leader replied, “We don’t want war, but we can defend our country.” The last 20 years are proof that we know how to defend ourselves.’

‘Welcome investment from all over the world, including the US’

Anchorperson Katie Jensen asked that in the Doha agreement, the Taliban said that they would not allow their territory to be used for terrorism. Is this a commitment or just a verbal submission to the West? On this, the Taliban leader said that this is a commitment and they stand by it. Everyone knows that this is our official policy and we do not allow terrorism.
He said that those who write about the terrorist training camps in Afghanistan sitting behind a desk thousands of miles away can show us where these camps are?
“It is not based on the ground reality but is spoken against our government for political purposes.”
Sohail Shaheen said that if they talk about it, prove it and send their delegations to Afghanistan and bring evidence, otherwise it is a question on the credibility of a big organization like the United Nations.
“Economically, we want normal relations with all the countries of the world. As we want to restore and rebuild the country, we will welcome investment.’

Sohail Shaheen said that we have put a complete ban on poppy cultivation through a fatwa. (Photo: Reuters)
The question was asked that there was a time when you were fighting the US and now you are cooperating with the US, so how do you explain it to your fighters?
Sohail Shaheen replied that there were two stages, in the first stage he had to fight to free his country from American domination. Now is the phase of recovery and reconstruction.
“We welcome investment and cooperation from all over the world, including the United States, at this stage.”
In response to the question regarding the abolition of poppy cultivation, he said that in the last 20 years, western countries could not eradicate it even after spending billions of dollars, but we have completely banned it through a fatwa.

‘Not recognizing us is a political issue’

Sohail Shaheen was asked how Afghanistan would progress under the Taliban regime if 97 percent of Afghanistan’s population lives below the poverty line, restrictions are placed on women and girls, there is a threat of terrorism and international aid is stopped. ?
He replied that the poverty we are facing is inherited from the government that has been in power for the last 20 years. Foreign forces were present in Afghanistan. They say they spent billions of dollars in Afghanistan, but those dollars went into the pockets of some warlords. The common people have been living below the poverty line ever since.
‘The second thing is that when we took over, they imposed restrictions and poverty increased. So more responsibility falls on those who imposed sanctions and supported the warlords who were their allies. They were not working for common people. Unfortunately there is poverty but we are trying to deal with it.
Sohail Shaheen said that we are working on big projects like road construction with our own money.

The Afghan Taliban has banned women from working. (Photo: Reuters)
In the Arab News program ‘Frankly Speaking’, he was asked that the United Nations did not recognize the Taliban government, nor did the Muslim countries want to have relations with them, so should they at least include all the factions in Afghanistan in the government. will
The Taliban leader said that the non-recognition of the United Nations and other countries is a political issue as opposed to ground realities. We have borders. We have control over the entire country. We can defend our people and we have their support. This has been proven in the last 20 years.
Regarding the ban on girls’ education and not allowing women to work, Sohail Shaheen said, ‘First of all, I will say that restrictions were imposed on us. When universities and secondary schools were open and women were working, we were not recognized. Even now there are 1.5 million women doctors and nurses working in the Ministry of Public Health and no one mentions it. More women are working in many ministries like thousands of women teachers are working in the Ministry of Education. But these restrictions were imposed on us from the beginning which are still in place. That’s why we say they are imposed on political grounds.
“Initially they didn’t base the issue, but now they are.” They were trivializing the problem from the beginning instead of working with the government and solving it.’
On the question why girls and women are not being sent to school and university now? He said that ‘Medical schools are open and as far as other schools are concerned, a committee has been formed for them which is working to provide school environment for girls according to Islamic traditions.’

‘Prince Harry should be ashamed’

Sohail Shaheen, in his autobiography of British Prince Harry, claimed that he had killed 25 Afghanis as a helicopter pilot and gunner in Afghanistan during 2012-13, and that he has no compunction or shame about it. “They should be ashamed,” he was quoted as saying.
“They claim to be democrats, they pretend to be human rights leaders and champions but in reality they do it. They killed innocent people, innocent villagers. Shame on them and bring them to justice.’

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