HomeWorld News'Stop it', the grandmother of the teenager who died in France calls...

Nadia said that the rioters are using the incident of death as an excuse for destruction. (Photo: Screen grab)

The grandmother of a young man killed by police in France has appealed to people to stop protesting as the series of violent protests that began after the killing entered its sixth day.
Naheel M’s grandmother, Nadia, told local TV that the rioters were using Tuesday’s killing as an excuse to wreak havoc, according to the British news agency Reuters.
“Our family wants peace,” he said.
Nadia told BFMTV that ‘I demand them to stop all this, Naheel is dead, my daughter has lost everything, now she has nothing left to live for.’
When asked about the fund being raised by the protesters to take action against the police officer who shot Naheel M, he simply said, My heart is very sad.’
The protests have come as the worst crisis for President Emmanuel Macron since the ‘Yellow Vest’ movement in late 2018.

Since June 27, intense protests have been going on in France. (Photo: Reuters)
In mid-April, McEwan raised his retirement age, followed by strikes and in some places violent protests, after which he pledged to give himself 100 days to create an atmosphere of reconciliation and unity in the country. Will take steps to do so.
It should be noted that 17-year-old Naheel M was shot dead by the police in Nanterre, a western area of ​​Paris on Tuesday, after which protests started in different cities.
Violent demonstrations and riots broke out after the incident, 1,300 people who participated in them were detained and 45,000 police officers were deployed in various cities to control the situation.
Despite the presence of security personnel, incidents of looting occurred in the markets of different cities on Friday night, while protesters also set fire to vehicles and garbage bins.

More than 45,000 police personnel have been deployed in various cities to control the situation (Photo: Reuters).
Naheel M was the only child of his mother who worked as a home delivery driver and also played rugby league.
The police initially tried to play down the incident, but when the video of the shooting went viral on social media, citizens in the suburbs including Paris staged a fierce protest against the policemen, which continues.

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