HomeWorld NewsRussia prepares to disarm rebel group, 'stops civil war'

Russian authorities are trying to contain the effects of the crisis (Photo: AFP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to reorganize Russia’s military and security services after a coup by mercenary group ‘Wigans’.
According to the French news agency AFP, Russia has also announced preparations to disarm Yevgeny Prigozhin’s private force.
Earlier, President Putin and his supporters insisted that the coup, seen as a threat to the Kremlin, did not weaken his grip on the government.
Has rebel mercenaries seizing a military headquarters, marching toward Moscow, and shooting down military planes along the way, weakened Putin’s power?
In response to this question, Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, “We do not agree with this.”

‘You stopped the civil war’

Over the weekend, President Putin himself tried to portray the dramatic events as a victory for the Russian military, saying it had shown restraint rather than fighting the Wagner force.
“You have prevented a civil war,” Putin said in an address to troops from the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, the FSB security service and the Ministry of the Interior.
On this occasion, a minute’s silence was also observed for the Air Force personnel killed by Wagner.
President Putin said that our military colleagues and pilots were killed in the clash with the rebels. They did not flinch and they carried out orders and their military duties with dignity.’

Putin addressed troops from the Ministry of Defence, National Guards, FSB security service and Ministry of Interior (Photo: AFP)
Prigozhin is a former Kremlin ally and catering contractor. Prigozhin, who built Russia’s most powerful private army, is proud of his force’s initiative and impressed that citizens have welcomed his men during his short-lived uprising.
Putin, on the other hand, insists that Wagner’s fighters saw that “the army and the people were not on their side.”
According to AFP, Russian authorities have been trying to contain the effects of the crisis for three days, and the military is preparing to disarm the group.
“Preparations are underway for the transfer of heavy military equipment from the private military company Wagons to units of the Russian Armed Forces,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

‘Revolution could lead to chaos in Russia’

Some in the West have expressed concern that Wagner’s coup could throw Russia into chaos and threaten the security of its nuclear arsenal, but Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the NATO leader most sympathetic to Putin, The idea has been rejected.
Speaking to German media, Viktor Orbán said the coup had “no significance.”
“If anyone thinks that he (Putin) can fail or be removed, he doesn’t understand the Russian people and Russia’s power structure,” he said of Russian President Putin.
President Putin also emphasized in his speech that the coup did not force Russia to withdraw any of its units from Ukraine.
“All military formations continued to fight bravely at the front,” Putin added.

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