HomeWorld NewsMissing submarine 'Titan' has 30 hours of oxygen left, sounds heard during...

Crews searching for the missing submarine Titan on a pleasure cruise in the Atlantic Ocean say they have heard signals.
Crews searching for the Titan submarine at sea on Tuesday have heard sounds every 30 minutes, US channel CNN reported, citing an internal government memo.
The memo said that when more equipment was used to search for the submarine, the sounds were still heard.
On the other hand, the Canadian P3 ship has also seen a square-shaped object in the sea and heard sounds.
The British newspaper The Independent said that a Canadian air force team reported that the search team had heard intermittent sounds near the submarine’s last location, raising hopes of finding the missing submarine. .
Authorities in the United States and Canada are conducting a massive search for the missing submarine in the Atlantic Ocean. The submarine has been missing for the last three days with five people on board.
This submarine took tourists to see the wreck of the Titanic that sunk in the Atlantic Ocean.
A US Navy spokesman said a special system capable of extracting other heavy objects such as submarines is being sent undersea to assist in rescue missions.
According to experts, there is only 30 hours of oxygen left for the tourists in the submarine.
British Prince Dawood of Pakistani origin and his teenage son Sulaiman Dawood are also among the tourists.
Prince Dawood, 48, and his 19-year-old son were aboard the submarine when it lost contact at a depth of 12,500 feet.

The submarine lost contact an hour and 45 minutes into its journey. (Photo: AFP)
Prince Dawood is one of the richest Pakistani personalities who is also a board member of the British Prince’s Trust charity.
Prince Dawood’s family has said in a statement that they are extremely grateful for the concern shown by their colleagues and friends in this matter and request everyone to pray for his safety.
The submarine of Ocean Gate Expedition, the organizer of this tourist mission, left at four o’clock in the morning on Sunday to see the wreck of the ship Titanic, which was destroyed in the year 1912.
The submarine lost contact an hour and 45 minutes into its journey.

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