HomeWorld NewsWe have nothing to do with Pakistani politics: US State Department spokesperson

The spokesperson of the US State Department said that Imran Khan is an ordinary citizen of Pakistan. File photo: AFP

The United States has said that a free media is essential in democratic societies and expects that journalists in Pakistan will have the freedom to work.
US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller has said during a regular press briefing on Thursday that his country has nothing to do with Pakistan’s politics.
In response to a Pakistani journalist’s question, the spokesperson said that ‘Imran Khan is a normal citizen of Pakistan and the United States does not have any position about any citizen in general.’
The spokesperson was asked that Imran Khan is a former Prime Minister and he has been repeatedly saying and claiming that his government fell due to non-implementation of American policies.
“I would like to say that this has been discussed in the past,” said Matthew Miller. These allegations are completely false. The politics of Pakistan is a matter for the people there and they should decide according to their constitution and law. This is not a matter for the US government.’
Earlier, a Pakistani journalist had questioned that Pakistan’s government and army had banned media coverage of Imran Khan and news channels could not mention the former prime minister’s name in their news and did not mention him in prime time talk shows. can go. Will America say anything about the protection of journalists’ rights and the public’s right to know?’
“Of course, we generally ask all governments to respect the role of journalists and the media,” spokesman Matthew Miller said in response. Free media is vital to democratic societies. We expect journalists working in Pakistan to be free as it is for a healthy democracy that holds the authorities accountable to the people.’

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