HomeWeird NewsExpert staff appointed to drive away monkeys at Delhi conference - Vopbuzz.com
The New Delhi administration has put up life-size cutouts and posters of langurs to drive away the small macaque monkeys.  Photo: Courtesy of Yahoo News

The New Delhi administration has put up life-size cutouts and posters of langurs to drive away the small macaque monkeys. Photo: Courtesy of Yahoo News

New Delhi: An extraordinary meeting of G20 is being held in India, where along with three crore humans, monkeys also live and encroach on human boundaries. Now, specially trained ‘monkey walla’ staff have been deployed to keep them away from the conference, while cutouts and pictures of the dreaded monkeys are being put up everywhere.

At the conference to be held next week, 30 people who are experts in driving away monkeys with their voices, shouts and movements have been recruited to drive away the monkeys. Apart from this, horrifying images of bloodthirsty langurs, the natural enemies of the wandering macaque monkeys, have been pasted on cardboard. Apart from houses, these monkeys attack the gardens and green areas.

Satish Opadew, associated with the city municipality, said that we cannot drive away the little monkeys as the green is their natural home. This is why unorthodox methods have been adopted to keep them away from the conference. Similarly, there will be posters of langurs and monkeys around the hotels.

The administration has declared a holiday on September 9 and 10, asking businesses to remain closed and many roads will also be closed. Apart from this, trained langurs have also been provided to the police administration to drive away the macaque monkeys.

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