HomeWeird NewsBritain wins World Cup of Garbage Picking - Vopbuzz.com

Tokyo: Great Britain has won the World Cup of Garbage Picking.

The first ‘Spogumi’ World Cup of Garbage Picking was held in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, in which teams from 21 countries participated. The word spogumi is a combination of the English word sports and the Japanese word gomi (meaning trash).

In the competition, each country’s team consisted of three members, who had to pick and sort garbage from the streets in two periods of 90 minutes.

(Photo: Reuters)

(Photo: Reuters)

The British team ‘The Northville Rise’ won the World Cup by defeating the host Japanese team. The British team collected 57.27 kg of garbage and scored 9046.1 points.

Speaking after the victory, the captain of the British team, Sarah Parry, said that it was a really good experience.

Due to Japan’s high standards of sanitation, competing teams had difficulty finding trash.

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