HomeWeird News69-year-old twin sisters who have been wearing the same clothes for years...
Rossi and Cathy are 69 years old and have been wearing the same clothes since childhood.  Photo: Sky News

Rossi and Cathy are 69 years old and have been wearing the same clothes since childhood. Photo: Sky News

Washington: Two identical twin sisters in America have been wearing the same clothes and hairstyle for decades.

Rosie Coles and Kathy Heffernan are among those rare children who are born only three or four times in a thousand. Because they are both twins and have similar features. This is the reason why there is a strong bond between them since childhood. They spend most of their time together and are wearing the same clothes from childhood to old age.

Kathy Heffernan says that twins at this age usually don’t hang out together because they have different lives. That is why when she goes out, people stop her to take pictures and take selfies. Interestingly, both the sisters are married to twin brothers.

Even their glasses, pajamas, hairstyle and jewelry are similar. Their houses are located in the same place and have the same design. Even both the houses have the same colors, the rooms are the same and the interior design is same.

Rossi married twin brothers in 1974 and Cathy in 1977, but both later separated from their husbands. Both sisters are determined that they will live with the same dress and haliya for the rest of their lives.

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