HomeTrending StoriesThis lesser-known Indian tree produces not only oxygen but also water |...

This lesser-known Indian tree produces not only oxygen but also water | – vopbuzz

A recent discovery in Andhra Pradesh has attracted the attention of environmentalists and scientists alike. A unique tree species known locally indian laurel (Ficus microcarpa), has been found to have a remarkable ability: not only to contribute to the oxygen of the atmosphere, but also to produce water. This phenomenon was observed in Alluri Sitharama Raju area, where forest officials noticed water gushing from the trunk of one such tree.
Typically found in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, the Western Pacific Islands, and Australia, Indian laurel is revered for its dense shade and smooth, light gray bark. It is often planted as an ornamental tree due to its aesthetic appeal. Its bright green, lance-shaped leaves provide shade, and its small, rounded figs provide food for a variety of bird species. But it is the tree’s capacity to store and release water that has sparked widespread interest and admiration.
This remarkable feature could have significant impacts on water conservation efforts, especially in water-scarce regions. During the monsoon season, the tree absorbs excess water through its roots and stores it in the spongy tissues in its trunk. This stored water is then gradually released throughout the dry season, providing a consistent source of moisture for the environment. ecosystem. The ability of Indian laurel to store water in its trunk offers a potential natural solution to water scarcity in arid regions.
The water released by Indian laurel has been found to have a distinctive taste and odor attributed to the organic compounds it absorbs from the soil. While these compounds give water its unique properties, they do not reduce its usefulness. In fact, the water is considered safe for consumption by local wildlife and even humans after proper treatment.
indian laurel water production It was first documented by the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department. Papikonda National Park. Forest officials estimated that when they cut the trunk of the tree, about 20 liters of water were released; This situation became especially evident in the summer months. This discovery was made possible thanks to the insights of the Konda Reddi tribe living in the area. in papikon He is known for his well-established knowledge of the hill range and indigenous tree species in the Godavari region.

Konda Denial

The Konda Reddi tribe of Andhra Pradesh provided useful information about the tree and provided guidance to forest officials. Source: Canva

Further research conducted by GG Narentheran and his team revealed that the water-storing ability of Indian laurel is not just a rare curiosity, but may also be indicative of a wider range of unexplored plant adaptations in arid regions. The research suggests that such trees may play an important role in sustaining not only local flora and fauna, but also human populations that depend on these delicate ecosystems.
Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect the Indian laurel and its habitat. The Andhra Pradesh Forest Department, in collaboration with local communities like the Konda Reddi tribe, is working to ensure the protection of these trees. Their aim is to preserve ecological balance and the traditional knowledge that has enabled Indian laurel to thrive for generations.

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