HomeTrending StoriesRevealed: How this fish can survive in mud for months without water...

Revealed: How this fish can survive in mud for months without water | – vopbuzz

The natural world is full of extraordinary creatures, each with unique abilities that allow them to adapt to their environments. Among these, there is a species that fascinates both scientists and nature enthusiasts with its remarkable features. survival technique. sucker catfishInhabitant of tropical freshwater environments, Durability And adaptabilityespecially the ability to survive in conditions unsuitable for other fish.
In June 2022, a video surfaced online showing what appeared to be a mummified suckermouth catfish coming back to life with just a splash of water. The images, which quickly went viral, were proof of the catfish’s incredible survival strategy. It can persist for long periods under dried, hardened mud, effectively in a state of suspended animation, until the return of rain rehydrates the environment.
The suckermouth catfish or stingray, native to the rivers and tributaries of South America, is equipped with special organs that allow it to breathe air. This adaptation is crucial during the dry season, when water levels can drop significantly and aquatic habitats can remain dry. When faced with such challenging conditions, the stingray may enter a situation. numbnessIt is similar to hibernation, which allows it to survive without water for long periods of time.

suckermouth catfish

representative picture

The stingray’s ability to survive out of water is facilitated by a gill cavity-like accessory respiratory organ that allows the fish to take in oxygen from the air. This organ is amazing evolutionary biologyIt allows the stingray to survive on land for up to 30 hours as long as its skin remains moist. The fish achieves this by burrowing into the mud and creating a protective cocoon that retains moisture and allows air exchange. The researchers noted that this ability, although remarkable, is not unique to pleco; African lungfish It is another species known to survive out of water for long periods of time thanks to similar physiological adaptations.
This survival strategy is not only an indication of the pleco’s individual skill, but also a reflection of the species’ overall hardiness. The pleco’s hardiness has enabled it to become a successful invasive species in various parts of the world; here it can often be found in environments modified by human activities. In some areas, the stingray is known to survive in dried river beds, waiting for the rainy season to return to rehydrate and continue its aquatic life.
Pleco’s remarkable ability to survive without water has attracted attention not only from a biological perspective, but also for its implications for understanding how species can adapt to changing environments. Like climate change Continuing to transform ecosystems around the world, the pleco’s survival mechanism may provide insight into how other species may cope with increasingly extreme conditions.
While the pleco’s ability to survive in a zombie-like state without water is certainly impressive, it also raises questions about the impact of this species on local ecosystems. As humans continue to impact natural habitats, the spread of resistant species such as stingrays may have unpredictable consequences on biodiversity and ecological balance.

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