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British boy who healed the sick was declared a saint by the Pope | – vopbuzz

A historic move for catholic church, Pope Francis announced canonization related to Carlo AkutisA British-born teenager who died in 2006 was the first to make it saint between millennials. Born in London to an Italian family in 1991, Acutis moved to Milan, Italy, when he was just a baby. Although short, his life was marked by deep spirituality and a passion for technology, which he used to spread the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Carlo Acutis developed a deep affection for her. Eucharist A commitment that became the cornerstone of his faith from an early age. He is often quoted as saying, “The Eucharist is my way to heaven,” a sentiment that sums up his approach to life and faith. Acutis’ passion for computers led him to use his talents to document Eucharistic miracles around the world and create an online database that continues to be a valuable resource for believers.
Despite his young age, Acutis’ impact on his community was significant. He volunteered at soup kitchens, helped children with homework, and was known for his kindness to those less fortunate. His philanthropic activities extended beyond his immediate circle, as he used his talents to help congregations and religious organizations create websites and thereby enhance their digital presence.

Carlo Akutis

The Pope at Carlo’s canonization in 2020. Source: AP

Acutis’ life took a tragic turn when he was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 15. He maintained a positive outlook throughout his illness and often expressed a willingness to suffer for the good of others and the Pope. He passed away on October 12, 2006, but his legacy continued to inspire many people around the world.
After his death, Acutis’s influence continued to grow, leading to the recognition of two miracles that would pave his way to sainthood. The first occurred in Brazil, when a young boy named Mattheus Vianna, who had a congenital digestive disorder, made a full recovery after coming into contact with an Acutis remnant. This event, which took place in 2013, was the first sign of Acutis’ intercession from beyond the grave.
The second miracle involved a Costa Rican woman named Valeria who suffered serious head injuries in a bicycle accident. Her mother, to whom medical experts gave little hope, sought solace at Acutis’ grave and made a heartfelt plea for her daughter’s recovery. Miraculously, Valeria’s condition improved dramatically, allowing her to leave the hospital and begin rehabilitation.
These extraordinary healings attracted the attention of the Vatican and led to the recognition by Pope Francis and the subsequent canonization of Acutis. After Acutis’ death, the canonization process began, with Pope Francis recognizing the first miracle attributed to him in 2020. This recognition was an important step towards sainthood and required the verification of a second miracle for canonization to proceed. On May 23, 2024, Pope Francis acknowledged the second miracle, paving the way for Acutis to be canonized.
Acutis’ canonization resonated with young Catholics around the world, providing them with a contemporary figure to relate to. His love of technology and virtuous living make him a compelling role model for today’s youth confronting the complexities of faith in the digital age.
The canonization of Carlo Acutis is not only a turning point for the Catholic Church, but also an important cultural moment. By emphasizing the universal and eternal nature of sainthood, it transcends generations and modernizes the concept of holiness. The story of Acutis is a powerful example of how traditional faith can find expression in the modern world, meaningfully connecting the ancient with the contemporary.

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