HomeTechnologyThe US Congress will consider two new bills related to artificial intelligence.

WASHINGTON: US senators on Thursday introduced two separate bipartisan artificial intelligence bills amid growing interest in tackling technology-related issues.

The US government must be transparent when using AI to interact with people, and another will establish an office to determine whether the US is competitive in cutting-edge technologies.

Lawmakers are beginning to consider what new laws might be needed due to the rise of AI. The technology made headlines earlier this year when ChatGPT, an AI program that can answer written questions, became generally available.

Senators Gary Peters, a Democrat, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee, along with Senators Mike Brown and James Lankford, both Republicans, have introduced a bill that would require US government agencies to disclose that the agency Kabal is using AI to interact with them.

The bill also calls for agencies to create a way for people to appeal any decision made by AI.

“The federal government needs to be proactive and transparent with its use of AI and ensure that decisions are not being made without humans in the driver’s seat,” Brown said in a statement.

Senators Michael Bennett and Mark Warner, both Democrats, along with Republican Senator Todd Young introduced a measure that would establish an Office of Global Competitiveness Analysis to ensure that the United States continues to develop artificial intelligence. Stay ahead of the pack.

“We cannot afford to lose our competitive edge in strategic technologies like semiconductors, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence to competitors like China,” Bennett said.

Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he had scheduled three briefings for senators on artificial intelligence, including the first classified briefing on the topic, to educate lawmakers on the issue. could

The briefing included a general overview on AI, how to achieve US leadership on AI and a classified session on defense and intelligence issues and implications.

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