HomeTechnologyTech SolutionHow to separate roles in discord

Are you interested in building an organized and engaging Discord community? If so, then having separate roles can help you achieve this goal, making it easier for members to understand their position within the community. Also, it helps in easy differentiation. Keep reading until the end to understand how to separate roles in Discord and how role separators work!

How to separate roles in discord

How to separate roles in discord

The process of role separation goes far beyond establishing a hierarchy; It promotes cooperation, moderation and engagement. Exploring role separation in Discord not only reveals the mechanics of role assignment, but also the important impact it can have on shaping the culture and effectiveness of your community.

quick answer

To separate roles in Discord, follow these steps:

1. Open discord app on your PC.

2. Choose desired server and click your server name,

3. Select server settings,

4. Select roles tab.

5. Create one new role add one more To insist for title.

6. Choose #2F3136 color and click save Changes,

You can separate roles in Discord by following one of these two methods:

Method 1: Create dividers

By assigning different roles within your Discord server, you can enhance the overall organization and management of the server. This approach also simplifies the process of locating specific roles when needed. Here are the steps to achieve this:

1. Open the Discord app on your PC.

Comment: Make sure you are logged in to your account.

2. Visit desired server where you want to separate the roles.

3. Click on server name Over that.

4. From the list of options, click on server settings,

Click on Server Settings

5. Click on roles tab.

6. Now, Enter desired separator name and click on create role Option.

Enter name for divider and click on create role

7. set Permission add one more To insist Before and after the title role.

8. now, from roll colorchose #2f3136 color to role play Invisible,

9. Once done, click on save Changes From the bottom of the screen to the separation of roles in Discord.

Click Save Changes

read this also: How to Create YAGPDB Reaction Roles on Discord

Method 2: Isolate role members from other members

To separate role members from online members, you can follow these steps:

1. Navigate to roles in tab server settings,

2. Now, select wanted role Which you want to differentiate from other members.

3. Click on edit icon Located next to the selected role.

click on the edit icon

4. Scroll Down bottom of the page and toggle on Display role members separately from online members Option.

Enable role members to be displayed separately from online members

5. Finally, click on save Changes Option.

How to organize roles in Discord member list?

If you have a large Discord server, streamlining or separating roles can improve communication and make coordination with specific groups of members easier. To set up roles for Discord members, follow Method 2 from above title,

How to create a role separator in discord?

To create a role divider on Discord, follow these steps:

1. Reach roles Tab into the Server Settings menu by following the instructions provided earlier How to separate roles in discord Topic.

2. Now, click on create role tab.

3. in role name field, enter role name You are creating.

Comment: Add a descriptive name as this will be the category other roles will fall under.

4. Click on roll color Option.

5. Pick One custom color and set it to #2F3136 To make a role invisible.

6. From the top of the screen, click permissions Option.

7. give required permissions Will have the role of producer.

8. Click on save Changes Option to complete role creation. Once the role creation is complete, you will be redirected to the Server Roles page.

9. now, from Display tab, type 7 dash symbol (-) But beginning and on Ending Name of the role created.

Paste special characters at the beginning and end of the name

10. Click on save Changes Option.

11. step created role Split on top.

Move the role separator up.  role separator discord

12. Now, Create one more Role followed by separator same step,

13. Take Your Move created role separator over the roles in your server.

read this also: 30+ Brilliant and Creative Bickering Roleplay Ideas for Friends

How to reorder roles in discord?

As you have separated roles in Discord, you can now learn how to rearrange roles in your server by following these steps:

1. Launch the Discord app on your phone.

2. Tap on three-pointed icon Near your server,

3. Tap on Adjustment,

4. Swipe all the way down User Management section and tap on roles Option.

5. Tap on rearrange Option.

Reorder |  Tap on How to separate roles in Discord

6. Now, long tap on wanted role you want to move and keep it Up or Down Order.

7. Once done, tap on save option from the top right corner.

tap save

read this also: How to make someone a moderator on Discord

We hope this article was useful to you and you learned How to separate roles in Discord Using role separators. Using these methods, you can improve the organization, communication, and engagement of your servers. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comment section below. Also, don’t miss out on future articles by checking our website regularly. Till next time!

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