HomeTechnologyTech SolutionHow to see someone's new friends on Facebook

Admit it, we’ve all been there – that moment of curiosity to find out who has recently made their way into your social circle of Facebook friends. Whether it’s your lover, your partner, or your new friend, the temptation to peek into their current contacts can be irresistible. In today’s article, we will discuss how to find someone’s new friends on Facebook. Get your spy hat ready – it’s all in good fun, of course!

How to see someone's new friends on Facebook

How to see recently added friends on Facebook

On social media platforms, users often make new friends and expand their networks. Facebook is constantly updating its layout and features. So, currently, there is no feature available on the Facebook Android or iOS app to find out who someone has added recently. However, you can also do this in the PC app or website. Follow the mentioned steps. below:

1. Launching Facebook On the PC

2. Click on Friends after this All friends.

Click on Friends after All Friends.

3. Visit the User Whose recent friends you want to see.

Note: You cannot see the friend list of a user who has locked their profile and is not in your friend list.

4. Click on Friendsafter this Recently added.

Click Friends, followed by Recently Added.

Also read: Do snapchat friend requests expire?

How do I hide recently added friends on Facebook Timeline?

To make sure that no one else who sees your profile sees your recently added friends on Facebook, you can adjust your privacy settings. Here’s how to do it:

1. To open Facebook Log in with your account and click on your Profile picture in the upper right corner.

2. Click on Settings and privacy after this Setting.

Now click on Settings tab.

3. Click on Privacy And I moved How people can find and contact you. Tab

4. Click on Who can see your friends list? And change it just me If you want to keep your friends list private.

Click on Who can see your friends list and change it to Me only if you want to keep your friends list private.

Note: You can choose to share it with specific friends or groups.

How to See Someone’s New Friends on Facebook Using a Chrome Extension

If someone has changed their privacy settings to limit the visibility of their friend list, you can use a Google Chrome extension e.g. Social Disclosure To see who they have recently added on Facebook.

How do I know my ex boyfriend’s recent friends?

You can follow the above steps to know your ex boyfriend’s recent friends. However, Facebook has a number of privacy settings to protect its users’ personal information, including their friends list. So, if he’s set his friends list to private or locked his profile, there’s no way to see who he’s added recently.

Recommended: How to hide mutual friends on Instagram

We hope that with the help of this article, you can. See someone’s new friends on Facebook. Finally, remember that it is important to respect the privacy of other people on the platform. If you have any questions or suggestions for us, let us know in the comment box below.

#someones #friends #Facebook

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