HomeTechnologyTech Solutionhow to post youtube video on instagram

In the past, content creation was limited to only one platform. Nowadays, creators use multiple platforms to reach a wider audience. One such example is sharing a YouTube video as a story or reel on Instagram. This smart approach helps creators connect with followers on both platforms. This guide will walk you through the process, and teach you how to easily post your YouTube videos on Instagram for increased engagement.

how to post youtube video on instagram

How to post YouTube videos on Instagram as video posts and reels

Integrating YouTube videos into your Instagram strategy brings many benefits, such as:

  • extended accessInstagram’s massive user base provides an excellent opportunity to reach a wide audience with your YouTube content.
  • boost engagementVideo content performs exceptionally well on Instagram, and sharing YouTube videos can increase engagement and interaction with your followers.
  • display your contentReusing YouTube videos on Instagram allows you to showcase your best content to a new audience, potentially increasing traffic to your YouTube channel.
  • Diversified Content StrategyContent: By using what both of these platforms offer, you can create more diverse content for the attention of different people.

You can share a YouTube video as a post on Instagram, and it will also appear in the Reels section of the platform. Both Reels and regular video posts on Instagram require a 1:1 aspect ratio. Let’s find out how to post youtube videos on Instagram.

Step I: Resize YouTube Videos for Instagram

Before you post a YouTube video to Instagram, you need to make sure that the video is properly resized to suit the platform’s requirements. Instagram has specific dimensions for different post types, so let’s look at the ideal dimensions for each:

  • PostThe recommended aspect ratio for video posts on Instagram is 1:1, meaning the video must be a perfect square. is the ideal resolution 1080 x 1080 pixel,
  • Answer: Instagram Reels requires one 9:16 aspect ratio with the resolution of 1080 x 1920 Pixel,
  • stories: For Instagram Stories, you also need to use 9:16 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1080 x 1920 Pixel For good results.

First, check out our guide on how to download YouTube videos to iPhone Camera Roll to learn how to get the desired YouTube videos on your phone. After that, you must:

1. Open app Store Find the InShot app on your phone.

2. Then, tap to get,

inshot icon in app store

3. Open inshot app tap on more Video option from the Home menu.

Comment: If a prompt pops up, allow access to your media gallery.

inshot |  click on video option in how to post youtube video on instagram

4. Select youtube video download you want to resize by scrolling album folder.

5. Swipe the menu panel to the right and tap Cutting Option.

tap on crop option

6. Select 9:16 aspect ratio,

7. When you’ve finished resizing, tap checkmark icon,

8. Tap on share icon from the top right corner.

9. Choose desired solution tap more save, The video will be saved to your camera roll.

choose save option

read this also: how to embed youtube video on twitter android app

Step II: Post resized YouTube video on Instagram

Now, let us find out how you can share the modified YouTube video as a Post and Reel on your Instagram profile.

1. Open Instagram application on your Android or iOS device.

Comment: Make sure you are logged in to your Instagram account.

2. Tap on + sign From the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

Tap on the plus button.  how to post youtube video on instagram

3a. switch on Post tab to select YouTube video resized Roll with your camera and tap next,

3b. go to reel pick and choose tab YouTube video resized,

4. Add a Compelling captionSuitable HashtagsAnd Place (if applicable).

Add post caption and location

5. Tap on share To share your YouTube videos on Instagram as a video post or reel.

How to resize youtube video for instagram?

You can read and follow Phase I from the above title How to resize youtube video for instagram.

How to post youtube video on instagram story?

If you prefer to share a YouTube video as an Instagram Story, the process is slightly different. You can use this instead of uploading video directly add link feature To allow your followers to watch YouTube videos by swiping up.

from 1 youtube apptap on Share > Copy Link to get the url of desired video,

2. Now, open instagram app,

3. Tap on + sign and switch to Story tab.

Tap on the plus icon and swipe up on Story

4. Tap on create option > sticker icon from the top right corner.

5. Then, select link sticker,

Select the chain link icon |  how to post youtube video on instagram

6. Paste it Youtube video URL tap more Done,

Tap on Done

7. Then, tap your story to post it.

Click on your story |  how to post youtube video on instagram

read this also: how to repost instagram video on snapchat story

How to share YouTube link on Instagram Stories?

If your Instagram account is verified and has at least 10,000 followers, you can share YouTube video links directly to your Stories using the Swipe Up feature. As mentioned earlier, here’s how:

1. Launch Instagram and choose + sign,

2. Visit Story tab.

3. Tap on create option from the left pane.

4. Select sticker icon,

5. Find and Tap link sticker,

select link icon

6. Paste it Youtube video URL tap more Done,

7. Finally tap your story To post story.

How to post youtube video as link on instagram story?

read and follow the steps listed in the title above To post youtube video as a link on IG story.

By now, you must have got a broad understanding of how to post youtube video on instagram As a video post, reel and story. So, now you can start engaging your followers with engaging YouTube content on IG today. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section and stay tuned for more informative guides. See you in our next article!

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