HomeTechnologyTech SolutionHow to play pigeon game and win 20 questions

Playing games with your friends is not only a way to connect with them, but also a great way to relieve some stress. What could be a better way than playing games on the go? Yes, there are many games that you can play directly from the iMessage app. If you are curious and wondering how you can play the famous 20-questions through the game Pigeon, then wait as we uncover all the aspects of it.

How to play pigeon game and win 20 questions

How to Play and Win 20 Questions Game on iMessage

If you want to play games online with friends without downloading a lot of apps on your phone, playing games on iMessage is a good idea. One of the most famous games available to play on iMessage is 20 Questions. Simply add the Game Pigeon extension and follow these steps:

Comment: Since not all versions of iOS provide the same features, some features mentioned in the article may not work. The following methods were tried iOS 17.1,

1. Add and open the game Pigeon IMessage,

2. Open Contact With whom you want to play 20 questions game.

3. Select plus signature Next to the input space on the left side of the screen.

Click on the plus sign.  20 question game pigeon

4. Tap on More,

Click on more

5. Choose sport pigeon,

Click on Gamepigeon

6. Swipe down and tap 20 questions game.

Click on 20 questions.  20 question game pigeon

7. Enter Word With which you will have to start.

Type the word of your choice

8. Tap on Send Mark.

Click on send.  20 question game pigeon

Now, enjoy your game with your friends!

Also read: What are the shuffleboard rules on iMessage?

What are the rules of the 20 question game?

Every game comes with several rules that every player needs to understand and follow for a fair game. Below are 20 question game rules that you need to follow to avoid any problems.

  • You can only answer with either a Yes or a No,
  • You cannot use phrases or sentences.
  • You have to be honest in answering the questions asked.

20 Question Game: Tips and Tricks

The 20 Questions game may seem like one of the easiest games on the Internet; However, it is quite difficult. Since the other player can think of any word, it is important to carefully narrow down the options to arrive at the correct word. Below are some tips that you can use to play the game smartly:

  • Classify whether the word is an animal, bird, place, living creature or inanimate object. Or an emotion.
  • Once you are able to classify, go ahead and ask the closest questions you can think of. For example, if you understand that it is an animal, you can move on to questions like, is it a wild animal or a pet? And so on.
  • Whatever question you are asking, it should be related to the previous question and answer.
  • Avoid asking specific questions at the beginning. Start with a broad range of ideas and then get specific by the end. Some examples of questions you need to avoid in the beginning are Is it black? is it far? etc.

Also read: How to Play Shuffleboard on iMessage

Now you are all on the right track How to play and win the game Pigeon 20 Questions With your friends. Follow the tips and tricks mentioned in the above article to stay ahead of the game. If there are some other tricks we missed let us know.

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