HomeTechnologyTech SolutionHow to Create Copilot Desktop Shortcut on Windows 11

You must have heard people saying – work smart instead of hard work! Correct? Copilot, the Windows AI assistant, allows you to do just that. Although users can easily access it using the dedicated button on the taskbar or the Win + C hotkey, many still prefer to create a desktop shortcut for Copilot on Windows 11 or add it to the context menu. In this guide, we’ll show you how to do just that.

How to Create Copilot Desktop Shortcut on Windows 11

How to Create Copilot Desktop Shortcut on Windows 11

Shortcuts help you access productive apps quickly and easily. So creating a desktop shortcut for Copilot AI is also a smart approach. Additionally, you can remove the CoPilot button from the taskbar and make room to fit more apps in it.

1. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop, hover the cursor over it New options, and select short cut From the context menu.

2. in make shortcut Copy and paste the following URL in the dialog box Type the location of the item text field:


In the Create Shortcut dialog box, copy and paste the following URL in the Type the location of the item text field.

3. Click on nextenter co-pilot In Type a name for this shortcut text field, and click finish,

A CoPilot shortcut will now be created on the desktop that you can double-click to launch.

While Microsoft released the AI ​​Assistant with the latest Windows 11 update, you can download it on Windows 10 as well. Check out our guide to download and install Microsoft Copilot on Windows 10.

How to customize Copilot shortcut icons

Although with the above steps, you will easily create the CoPilot shortcut on the desktop, you might have noticed that its icon looks like Microsoft Edge. You can customize it as per your choice.

1. Download the Copilot icon or any icon you want to set as a favorite for the Copilot shortcut.

Comment: it should be in .ico Format to act as a shortcut icon. If you downloaded it in another format, convert it using an online file converter like Cloud Convert.

2. Right-click on copilot shortcut Select More on Desktop Property From the context menu.

3. Go to web document Click on the tab and click change Icon… button.

Go to the Web Document tab and click the Change Icon... button.  ,  Create Copilot desktop shortcut on Windows 11

4. Click on Browse… option, select the icon file you just downloaded and click open,

5. Click on Okand then further apply And Ok To save changes.

Also read: How to Sign Up, Login, and Access Google Gemini AI

How to Add Copilot to Context Menu on Windows

You can also add CoPilot to the context menu to add more convenience and flexibility. This way:

1. On desktop, press Windows+R keys to open run dialog box.

2. Type regedit Press more in the text box enter to open registry Editor, click on Yes In the UAC prompt to confirm.

3. Copy the following address and paste it into the address bar and press enter,


4. Right-click on the left panel shellchoose New From the context menu, then key,

On the left panel, right-click the shell, select New from the context menu, then select Key.

5. Type co-pilot as the new key name and press enter key.

6. Now, right-click on co-pilot Select the key you created. New from the options, and then select string value From the context menu.

7. Name it reactionand then double-click on it to open edit string box where you can set value data As co-pilot, click on Ok,

8. Click again co-pilot key, select NewThen keyand name it Permission,

9. On the right pane, double-click (default) value, and set it value data To

rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "microsoft-edge://?ux=copilot&tcp=1&source=taskbar"

On the right pane, double-click the (Default) value, and set its value data as described below Create CoPilot desktop shortcut on Windows 11

10. Click on Ok To save.

Also read: How to access and use SantaGPT on ChatGPT

How to remove copilot preview

You can easily remove the Copilot (Preview) button from the taskbar by following the steps given below:

1. open Settings > Personalization > Taskbar,

2. Toggle off Copilot (preview) Option.

Toggle CoPilot (preview)

In conclusion, sometimes your digital shortcuts can turn out to be your smartest moves. Hope this article helped you how to do this Create a CoPilot desktop shortcut on Windows 11, Leave your suggestions and questions in the comments section below and keep reading our blogs for more such information related to technology.

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