HomeTechnologyTech SolutionHow to Copy a Facebook Post

Have you ever seen a Facebook post that immediately grabbed your attention? It could be an inspirational quote, a funny meme, or a funny video that you want to share with others. Well, now you can easily do that! This tutorial will guide you how to copy Facebook post on your desktop and Android device.

How to Copy a Facebook Post

How to Copy a Facebook Post

Follow these steps to copy Facebook post on Android:

prompt reply

To copy a Facebook post, you can follow these steps:

1. Open. Facebook app and on your device log in.

2. Search. Post You want to copy.

3. Tap and hold Post text As long as it says The text is copied to the clipboard..

4. If you want to save. Post a picturetap The three-dot icon On Post, then select Save to phone..

Step 1: Copy the post text.

1. Open. Facebook app on you iOS or Android The device

Note: Make sure you are logged in to your Facebook account.

2. Search. Desired Post that you want to copy.

3. Tap and hold Post text For a few seconds

4. Release hold when you see the notification. The text is copied to the clipboard..

Tap and hold the post text for a few seconds – release the hold when you see the notification text copied to the clipboard.

5. Now, tap and hold Text box Where you want to share this post and tap on it. Paste..

Here’s how to easily copy the text of a Facebook post.

Step II: Download the post image.

If the post also contains an image, you can save it to your phone’s gallery and use it wherever you want to repost. Let’s see how to do this:

1. On you Facebook Find the app. Desired Post.

2. Tap on Image of this post.

3. Tap on Three dots icon > Save to phone. option

Tap on the three dots icon – Save to phone option

Now, you can post this image on any social network with copied text.

Also read this: How to find and copy Facebook profile link: An easy way to share

Can you copy all types of Facebook posts?

Yes, you can copy all types of FB posts. You can copy the post link using copy link option. However, you can also manually select a post and then copy its content. If the post contains a media file, you must copy it individually.

Can you copy a video from a Facebook post?

Yes, you can easily copy and repost video from any FB post. To do that, that’s it Copy the video link. Use it from post and wherever needed.

How to copy a Facebook post to desktop using a link?

To learn how to copy a Facebook post to desktop using a link, follow these steps:

1. Visit Facebook website And log in in your account by providing Required Credentials.

2. Navigate to Desired Post that you want to copy.

3. From Post, click . The three-dot icon.

From the post, click the three horizontal dots icon.

4. Click on Embed option from the menu.

Click the Embed option from the drop-down menu.

5. Click on Advanced settings The option is below the code.

Click on the Advanced Settings option below the code.

6. Double-click to select. URL of the post And press Ctrl + C key combination To copy it to the clipboard.

Double-click the URL to select them all.

Also read this: How to copy text from an Instagram post.

In this article, we have provided instructions How to Copy a Facebook Post We hope this has helped you. Feel free to ask any questions or share your suggestions on this topic in the comments below. Also, keep visiting our website for more useful guides.

#Copy #Facebook #Post

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