HomeTechnologyTech Solution16 Best Tools to Test Your Website Speed ​​and Improve Rankings

Amidst the ever-increasing competition, website speed plays a huge role for any business or brand that wants to maintain its position online. Think of it as a runner in a race, the faster he starts the race, the better his chances of winning. Loading at a snail’s pace can lead to high bounce rates and low search engine rankings, ultimately leading to reduced traffic and revenue. As you want to test and check your website speed and performance, we have selected the best tools for you.

Best Website Speed ​​Testing Tools

Best Website Speed ​​& Performance Testing Tools

Usually measured in seconds, website speed, or website load time, is a measure of how fast a web page’s content is loaded and displayed to visitors. Additionally, it also provides information about factors like page design and back-end code that may hinder speed. The metric now has a significant impact on user experience and SEO rankings. Search engines like Google consider page speed as a ranking factor.

Equipment NamefeaturesRating out of 5Price determination
Google PageSpeed ​​InsightsOffers both desktop and mobile website testing4.9Free
PsdiGlobal test location, real-time monitoring4.7Starts at $10/month
GTMetricsProvides a PageSpeed ​​score and a YSlow score4.7Monthly plans start at $5/month
Catchpoint WebpageTestTest parameters include TBT, TTI and FCP4.6Starts at $15/month
site24x7Integrated monitoring tools like Datadog, New Relic4.6Starts at $35/month

1. Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights is a free website speed-testing tool. It scores your test results from 1-100, with anything equal to 85 and above considered a good score, before giving you valuable insights for improvement. Since Google is the most used search engine, this tool is mecca for those who want to rank their website on Google search results.

  • It provides both desktop And mobile Testing.
  • PageSpeed ​​Insights is more available 20 languagesGrowing your user database.
  • Although there are many free website testing tools available, PageSpeed ​​Insights is considered one of the most user-friendly.
  • Completely free.

Check out our guide on how to use Google Lighthouse for testing website performance.

2. Psdi

Pingdom |  Best Website Speed ​​Testing Tools

PingDome is a cloud-based application performance monitoring (APM) tool that helps you ensure that your websites and applications are delivering the quality you want to provide to your users. It offers a free website speed-testing feature that aims to provide results through a quick general overview including total load time, number of requests, waterfall charts, and more.

  • Over 70 global testing locations To examine multiple frames of reference.
  • Real-time monitoring so you can identify and resolve any issues in advance.
  • Provides alerts and notifications over e-mail or SMS when website performance falls below a specified standard.

3. GTMetrics


GTMetrics offers an excellent website speed tester with an easy-to-use interface. Once you run the test using it the results are very comprehensive with facts and data. Despite the quality it offers, testing locations are very limited (Canada (default), USA, UK, Brazil, Hong Kong, India, and Australia).

  • The results are based on factors such as page load time, number of HTTP requests, size of resources on the page, and number of browser renderings.
  • provides a pagespeed score and a Yslow score For the performance of your website according to the parameters of Google and Yahoo respectively.
  • Provides personalized recommendations on how you can improve your website.
  • Provides video analytics to help you understand visitor engagement and improve accordingly.

Also read: What to do when your own website is flagged as dangerous?

4. Catchpoint WebpageTest

WebPageTest |  Best Website Speed ​​Testing Tools

Webpage Test is a free and open-source website speed-testing tool that gives comprehensive results by testing your website under different conditions. It is considered a reliable companion by many professional developers. It can test your website on slow and fast networks 40 Various places.

  • The results are graded from F to A after testing on total block time (TBT), interactive time (TTI), first contentful paint (FCP), and many other parameters.
  • Offers a comparative analysis of your website and your competitors Which will help you benchmark your website and pinpoint areas of improvement.
  • Run the test three times and the results displayed will help you find out if DNS or CDN may be causing the delay and whether your server is responding to all requests correctly.
  • Provides option to use APIWhich can be integrated to automate website performance testing.

5. site24x7


Site24x7 is a website speed testing and monitoring tool developed by ZOHO. It is considered a suitable alternative to PSDI. It has a free plan that you can access after signup that will allow you to monitor the loading speed of 5 websites/servers in 120 locations globally.

  • Compares your website with your competitors and provides you with actionable insights based on the data collected.
  • Tracks your site over time So you can keep track of progress and spot any trends.
  • Can be integrated with monitoring devices Like Datadog, New Relic, AppDynamics, etc., which give you a more comprehensive view of your website’s loading time.
  • Its basic plan starts at $9/month subscription.

6. domsignal

DomSignal offers a set of free website testing tools that can test your website for DNS, security, performance, network, and SEO issues. Furthermore, this webpage debugging tools, compilerAnd generator They are especially helpful for developers in identifying and fixing website security and usability issues.

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7. dareboost

‘DareBoost is a tool that helps businesses analyze their website speed. It is close 100 different checkpoints And you can test a website for both mobile and desktop devices. It provides you the facility to track multiple pages simultaneously and lets you find out the key factors that cause poor website performance. With free account registration you can run up to 5 analyzes per month.

8. Allertra

Alertra’s website monitoring service provides response times and rates to evaluate the global speed of your website. It provides results from more than a dozen worldwide sites in North America, Europe, and Asia. The free trial determines if your website is online and accessible to users and launch planning starts here $10/month to monitor 50 URLs,

9. yellow lab equipment

Yellow Lab Tools is a free and Open-source website speed testing tool, It provides direct results in the form of grades and scores. This includes page load details, request details, domain details, constraint analysis, CSS information, and server configuration details. It provides you the option to choose the device on which you want to run the test.

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10. sematext

Sematext is a synthetic monitoring tool known for its simplicity and reliability. it Monitors API and website uptime from over 70 different locations Worldwide. To see how your website’s resources are loading, it provides waterfall charts as well as a detailed breakdown of the results. You can customize the parameters to set different conditions for alert notifications in case of any problems.

11. KeyCDN Website Speed ​​Test

KeyCDN offers two website speed testing tools: website speed test And this performance testing, Website Speed ​​Test tests and measures the performance of any HTML page and provides details of requests, content size and loading time. Performance testing tests the performance of any URL and provides details of loading times and HTTP response headers.

12. new relic

New Relic offers a variety of features to monitor your load times, troubleshoot problems, and identify bottlenecks. It has a forever free plan that offers you up to 100 GB ingest data/month, It provides you with features like Real Time Monitoring (RUM) And synthetic monitoring Which can help you identify and troubleshoot any global performance issues. It takes a deep look at performance trends to see how your website is responding.

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13. datadog

Datadog has monitoring nodes all over the world. It offers an all-inclusive website speed test with real-time monitoring alerts. So you can be alerted when your website is not performing up to benchmarks. This will help the DevOps team to identify and combat any upcoming issues before the impact becomes larger. it Stores historical data and analyzes trends and patterns,

14. Yslow

If you’re someone who likes Yahoo! If you want to rank your website according to the rules set by YSlow, then YSlow is the best tool for you. You can use its free services by downloading its extension on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, PhantomJS, and Safari. As well as tips to improve your website speed, it will also provide tools such as performance analysis smush.it And JSLint,

15. uptrend

Uptrends is a comprehensive tool to test and check website speed. A big advantage of using Uptrends (paid) is that it will give you access Real-time monitoring from 233 website testing checkpoints Worldwide. It can help you integrate different tools and services so that you can integrate website speed testing into your workflow. It offers a dedicated mobile and desktop version of the software.

16. dotcom-monitor

Dotcom-Monitor offers you even more 30 test locations Worldwide, so you can run tests for website speed from multiple geographic locations and collect more accurate data on your website performance. It supports real-user monitoring (RUM) so that it can analyze and present data based on real subjects visiting websites which gives it an edge over synthetic monitoring. It may also offer API integration to automate testing and data collection.

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How to use website speed test tool?

Although there are plenty of tools available in the market with their own strengths and weaknesses, here are some points to consider when using them to test your website:

  • Website speed may vary depending on the user’s location. Use multiple locations around the world to get a complete overview of your website speed test.
  • Test all the pages of your website thoroughly to make sure they all function according to your needs.
  • Test your website from different devices and browsers to get accurate results.
  • Use the monitoring features to always keep track of your results over time. This will help you survive in the dynamic environment of competition.

We hope our blog has helped you find some of the best website speed testing tools as per your needs and preferences. If you have any questions or suggestions for us, let us know in the comments section. Stay connected to TechCult for more informative blogs.

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