HomeTechnologySink pitches the UK as the future home for AI regulation.

Britain can become the global home of artificial intelligence regulation, Prime Minister Rishi Singh said on Monday as he pitched London as a tech hub for industry leaders and urged them to embrace the opportunities and challenges of AI. understand the

Sink’s government will host a summit on AI risks and regulations later this year, and on Monday he said “the tectonic plates of technology are shifting.”

“The possibilities (of AI) are extraordinary. But we have to — and we’re going to do it safely,” Sink said in a speech at the London Tech Week conference.

“I want to make the UK not just the intellectual home, but the geographical home of global AI safety regulation.”

Governments around the world are now trying to find a balance by which they can anticipate and rein in the potential negative consequences of AI without stifling innovation.

Sink said the tech sector was at the heart of his priority to grow the economy, and while he acknowledged the concerns that employees had about their jobs, previous technologies presented similar challenges. .

“Obviously people are concerned about jobs,” he said. “We’ve dealt with these things in the past.”

The UK opted in March to split regulatory responsibility for AI between bodies that oversee human rights, health and safety and competition, rather than creating a new body for the technology.

During a visit to Washington last week, Sink won the support of US President Joe Biden for the UK to host an AI summit, which will consider the risks of the technology and discuss how How can they be mitigated through coordinated international action?

“This is the moment when the map of the world is being set for the rest of this century,” Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt told the conference.

“I would like this country to be a force to ensure that these are set up in a way that means technology can really benefit everyone.”

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