HomeTechnologyScience'Shark's Parakeet' Spotted in Ancient Martian River - science

Washington: NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars has released images of rocks resembling shark fins and crab claws.

The rover, which is searching for signs of life in the Jezero crater on Mars, is currently passing through a 16,000-foot-deep lake that was once a river delta in ancient times.

These images, taken on August 18 last month, are an example of the phenomenon of pareidolia. Pareidolia is a phenomenon in which the brain transforms what is seen into a meaningful image that is not actually there, such as clouds. Looking at shapes.

The US space agency NASA presented the image of shark parakeet and crab beehive reefs as part of the ‘Image of the Week’ series on social networking site X (formerly Twitter).

X-post said that these two rocks were found in a windy area. Are they shark fins? Have crab claws? Tell me what you think in the comments.

Many people responded by saying that they saw an animal under them, while some also saw a coffee bean and a turtle’s head.

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