HomeTechnologyScienceNanoribbons to improve performance of batteries and solar cells - science

Scientists at University College London (UCL) have created an atom-sized phosphorus nanoribbon that could improve the performance of batteries, supercapacitors and solar cells.

In 2019, UCL researchers discovered phosphorous nanoribbons, calling it a ‘surprising material’ due to its potential to replace multiple devices. This material has been used to improve the life of lithium-ion batteries and the efficiency of solar cells.

However, phosphorus-only materials do not conduct electricity well, so their use in various situations is reduced. To solve this problem, the team created a new phosphor nanoribbon using a small amount of arsenic.

Research published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society has revealed that the new nanoribbon can conduct electricity at temperatures as low as minus 140 degrees Celsius, while retaining the highly efficient properties of ribbons made of pure phosphorus. Can also keep

The team found in the research that the phosphorus nanoribbon has the ability to be used in multiple places within itself.

Dr. Adam Clancy, senior author of the study, said that scientists had already understood the great potential of the phosphorous ribbon created in 2019 in early research. In 2021, this ribbon was used as a layer on perovskite solar cells to capture more energy from the sun.

He said the latest experiment combining phosphorus nanoribbons with arsenic opens up new possibilities, including the energy storage capacity of batteries and supercapacitors, and the enhancement of near-infrared detectors used in medicine. Is.

He added that the arsenic-phosphorus ribbons have also been shown to exhibit magnetic properties, which are believed to be due to the atoms on the edges, and may also be of interest to quantum computers.

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