HomeTechnologyScienceLarge-scale plantations are harming the environment, research - science

Oxford: A study has shown that large-scale plantation projects to combat carbon emissions are harming the environment.

Celebrities are often seen talking about greenhouse gas emissions and climate action. But according to the authors of the study, these measures, such as large-scale planting of the same species of trees, could be harmful to the environment.

According to research by scientists at the University of Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute, tree plantations harm biodiversity and increase the risk of wildfires, while releasing very little greenhouse gases. I absorb. Instead we should give priority to protecting and restoring the environment.

The journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution reported that the focus on tackling carbon is harming other aspects of the environment.

Dr. Jesus Aguirre-Gutierrez, the author of the study, said that despite the many functions performed by the tropical environment, society has limited them to carbon only. Should.

Tropical environments are rich in biodiversity and provide a number of ecosystem services such as water quality, soil health and fertility.

In contrast, carbon sequestration plants are usually monocultures and consist of only five species of trees, including teak, mahogany, cypress, silk oak, and black willow, which are grown for timber, pulp, or agroforestry. Is.

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