HomeTechnologyScienceiPhone users should update operating system immediately, Apple warns - science

California: Technology company Apple has introduced the latest update to fix the bug in the iOS version released six weeks ago.

The iOS 16.6.1 version released on Thursday has fixed the security bug.

A warning issued to Apple from the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab said the bug could weaken the iPhone’s security without user contact.

In a web post about iOS 16.6.1, Apple confirmed, without providing further details, that the security flaw in the operating system has been fixed.

Apple will introduce the new mobile operating system iOS 17 with the iPhone 15 next week. Unfortunately, this bug is too dangerous to wait until the release of iOS 17 (which is expected by the end of this month). So Apple had to release the latest version of 16.6 immediately.

To install the quick update, users have to go to their iPhone settings and select ‘General’ to update the software.

Apple also said that this update is also available for iPadOS.

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