HomeTechnologyScienceApple releases software update for iPhone 12 - science

Paris: Technology giant Apple has provided French authorities with a software update for its iPhone 12 to address radiation concerns.

Last week, France banned the sale of the iPhone 12 in the country after it failed electromagnetic radiation tests.

France ordered Apple to recall all units in the country for failing to fix the problem. While other European countries had warned that they could also support France’s decision.

French authorities received a software update for the iPhone 12 from Apple on Tuesday, according to sources at the French digital ministry.

Earlier, while challenging the issues raised by France regarding the iPhone 12, Apple clarified that the regulatory body (ANFR) must submit all the lab test results from the company and third parties to the agency. have been carried out which indicate that this device meets all legal requirements.

Apple later said that the company would release a software update on September 15 according to the testing method used in France.

France’s move to ban the sale of the iPhone 12 has also raised concerns in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

Belgium also requested a software update, but the update was limited to France.

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