In 2032, the chances of colliding with the Earth of 2024 YR4 have dropped from 3.1 percent to about zero percent.

US space agency NASA has revealed that the planet’s chances of colliding with Earth in December 2032 have increased to 0.0017 percent.

The European Space Agency, on the other hand, has also stated a similar risk of 0.002 %.

According to NASA, 99.9983 % is likely that the planet will be securely passed through Earth in seven years, which is equivalent to 1 of the 59,000 chances of collision.

Although new data shows that the planet is likely to be 1.7 % of the moon collision, the Earth is not at risk of such effects.

The agency also said that when the planet 2024 YR4 was first discovered, it was likely to hit Earth in 2032.

But as the planet’s observations were presented, NASA experts managed to calculate more accurate samples of its speed, and now they have noticed that the planet is not at risk of hitting our planet.

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