HomeTechnologyLesser Known LinkedIn Features to Boost Your Profile |

LinkedIn is a widely used platform when it comes to networking and the job market.

With time, having a profile on LinkedIn has become a must as recruiters try to get the best talent out there. If you are someone who does not have a LinkedIn account or have recently signed up, here are some features that may be helpful to you;

1. Export your connections

LinkedIn gives you the option of downloading your connections’ data, including their names, email addresses, and other details, as a .CSV or .VCF file. It allows users to keep backups of their connections or import them into other contact management systems. To do this, click on my network Select from the top navigation menu Relation. click now Manage synced and imported contacts from the top right corner. choose export contacts Below advanced actions section on the right. click now Download Big Data Archive and then click on request archive Option.

2. Hide Your Connections

You can choose to hide your connections list from other users. This can be helpful if you want to keep your network private or limit access to your connection details. To do this, go to Settings & Privacy and click on visibility option in the left corner. choose relationship and choose Change Option to adjust visibility settings as per your preference.

3. Skill Assessment

LinkedIn’s skill assessment feature allows users to demonstrate their expertise in a specific skill through a brief assessment provided by LinkedIn. These assessments are designed to validate your knowledge and competencies in various areas and are displayed on your profile once you complete them.

4. Save your search

save your search The feature on LinkedIn allows you to save a specific job search with certain search criteria and filters so that you can easily access the search results and revisit them later. This feature is especially helpful for those actively looking for a job or monitoring specific job markets. To do this, first search for something using a criteria and then click on create search alert button on the right side of the screen. you will get a window with Was informed Pre-selected options. Now, click “Save” to save that search and set up search alerts.

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