HomeLifestyle FashionUP Board leader Prachi Nigam silences trolls with strong statement - vopbuzz

Power source Prachi Nigam not only this coat She is a young girl with high values ​​and positive thoughts in one of the largest states of the country. When Uttar Pradesh State Board Prachi Nigam’s dream came true when the results of the board exam were announced, but little did this 15-year-old girl know that she would be the victim of a mindless attack. trolling.Prachi was trolled for her looks!
Genç said in an exclusive interview with the BBC: If I had gotten a few points less, I would not have reached the top. Maybe this would be better. Since I have been facing this situation for a long time, I do not pay much attention to the situation. “People feel weird when they see girls with hair because they’ve never seen it before.”
Hours after her photo was posted on social media, while many people congratulated the youngster for clearing the exam among 55 lakh students, another section trolled her for her looks.
“I felt bad when people trolled her. Many people said bad things about her. We told Prachi not to let it bother her mind,” her mother told the media.
Prachi, with a million-dollar smile on her face, told the media outlet: “God created me, I don’t see any harm in it. For those who feel there is a difference, it doesn’t matter. Even Chanakya was trolled and he said, “Similarly, I don’t mind and will focus on my studies.”
Prachi’s situation is a reflection of what exists in various sections of society. This is an example of how prevalent stereotypes are in our society. It is unfortunate to see a young girl’s success overshadowed by superficial views that do not matter.
“My family, teachers, and friends never criticized me for my appearance, and I never had any problems with this. However, after my photo was published after the results, people started trolling me and the problem came to my attention. My aim is to become an engineer and in the end, what matters is my grades, not the hair on my face,” he told IANS earlier.
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