HomeLifestyle FashionViral: Amidst the search for the missing submersible, the creepy 'Titanic' scene...

A chilling scene from James Cameron’s romance epic unfolds as rescuers continue to search for a missing submarine with five on board in the North Atlantic Ocean ‘Titanic’ Is going viral on social media.

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While US and Canadian authorities continue to search for the Titanic, which was on a trip to the bottom of the ocean to view Titanic’s remains, the situation has reminded social users of a scene from Cameron’s 1997 epic. Although the film was chiefly remembered for the tragic love story of Jack and Rose, it began with a similar sequence where researchers were examining the wreckage of the Titanic from the window of a submarine.

The clip was first posted by Twitter user Lucia Briones with the caption, “With time and oxygen running out, all five men, hopefully still alive, inside #ocean gate #submersibleI can’t help but be reminded of one of the scariest lines in the movie, #titanic,And many of the tweets seem to agree.

The OP wrote that the scene officially became ‘terrible’ in the discussion.

Meanwhile, rescuers continued to search for the missing Titanic submarine near the wreckage of the Titanic on Wednesday, while their attention turned to a remote part of the North Atlantic where sounds under the sea were detected.

For those unaware, Titan went missing on Sunday while Oceangate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French diver Paul Henri Nargiolet and Pakistani businessman Prince Dawood were on a deep sea excursion with their son Sulaiman. World-famous for its centuries-old shipwreck.

The submarine began to descend at 8 a.m., but at the end of the two-hour dive Titanic lost contact with her surface support ship.

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