HomeLifestyle FashionSaheefa Jabbar Khattak is honest about her mental health struggle

Actor Saheefa Jabbar Khattak opened up about her mental health struggles in a series of Instagram stories.

In a series of text stories on the photo- and video-sharing app, ‘Mistake’ The star bravely overcame her current mental state and bad thoughts after all due to the grief she is going through in her life.

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“Yeah, I haven’t been my own self lately which is very hard for me to admit here. I may or may not know exactly what happened, but it’s definitely something I’m breathing my lungs out about.” Can’t talk without crying,” she began to admit.

“I’m in pain, I’m sad, every day is a struggle for me. Yes, I’m hopeless. Yes, I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s all dark and sad for me. Yes, every day I I wish death for you. Continuing her woes, Jabbar said, “There hasn’t been a day that has gone by in the last 60 days that I haven’t cried or questioned everything. In the process of this pain and grief, I have lost 12 kilos. It has become absolutely impossible for me to eat and I have kept myself completely quiet so that I can sleep without pain. My family is constantly trying to help me with this but I feel this is my battle to fight (alone) and I have to fight my own demons. No one can come and take away my pain for me.

Hinting at suicidal thoughts, the actor talked about the lack and need for empathy in present times when the world is comparing material comforts with happiness and peace. She wrote, “I was just telling a friend (on the voice note) that I was leaving little hints to tell the world (if I take my own life in the process), to make the world a kinder place.” I don’t see any sympathy and it kills me how everything has become a means to make money in one way or another.saheefa jabbar khattak mental health “Also, everyone must be thinking that I have everything (material), what in the world can bring him pain or distress? Let me tell you, I am typing all this lying on a very comfortable bed from a very luxurious hotel in Dubai and I am still in unspeakable pain. I want everyone who is reading this to know that having a nice car or house or being able to afford anything or everything may not always guarantee you happiness.”

“It (might) give you ease but your true home is your soul and soul needs its own kind of food. Our soul doesn’t need money, fame or sexy car. Our soul needs love, sympathy and Needs good care,” reflected Jabbar.

“I don’t know what the future holds and obviously I haven’t seen life either (yet), but my faith tells me that whatever is, is in the present and in my present I am happy, satisfied and fulfilled.” I want to feel.” , I just wanna be ok.

Sahifa Jabbar was looking for a suitable groom for her husband before marriage.

Ending the note, the celebrity reminded herself that ‘life is too precious to give’ before she acknowledged and thanked everyone who took care of her during the difficult times and wished her well. “People like you make this world a better place to live in. I deeply appreciate each and every one of you for pouring your love into me. Furthermore, Jabbar expressed her gratitude for supporting her husband and handling the situation on his own. “I know you feel helpless and it’s awful and I understand that. Khizer, I don’t know what good I’ve done to have a support system like you in my life,” she concluded.

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