HomeLifestyle FashionManjar Sahbai, Sameena Ahmed spoke openly on the relationship.

Samina Ahmed and Manjar Sahbai recently graced Wasey Chaudhary gap shab, in which, while entering, Sehbai asked to remove the table placed between her and Ahmed’s seats, calling it a “wall”. Saying he wanted to be near his wife, he pushed his seat next to his wife’s – a gesture greeted with thunderous applause.

True to his nature, when asked how he was, Sahbai said, “As long as my wife is with me, I am very well.” Commenting on the announcement of Choudhary’s pair becoming social media’s favorite couple, Sahbai said, “We have no hand in it.” He expressed his gratitude towards his fans and followers for their support as well.

When asked if he saw Sehbai romancing with Iman Ali Lyrics, Ahmed laughed and praised Sehbai’s acting ability. “I didn’t know him then, and I was quite astonished, thinking, ‘Who is this?’ You know how it is, it’s been a while since I’ve worked in television and film, so I recognize most of the people. I was surprised. I thought, ‘Who is this person? Where did Shoaib Mansoor find this person? ?What kind of world is that over there?'”

The couple told the audience about their meeting and that they did not know each other before. Although Ahmed did not know Sehbai, he admitted that he had heard her name and knew about her work, despite living in Germany. The two met by chance while working on a series called Wall of sunshine. When Chaudhary claimed that Sehbai now completely knows the brilliant actor she is married to, Sehbai denied it, saying, “It’s a process. You discover new things.”

Chaudhary mocked Ahmed’s “dictatorial powers” and asked Sehbai if she had shown him that side. The reply came, “She doesn’t have to show me anything, she just does it.” However, he also said that her specialty is that she has a gentle nature. The couple also talked about their trip to Germany in 2022, where they visited Berlin. Chaudhary was surprised when Ahmed revealed that he did not share any glimpse of his work with Sehbai. “My closeness to him is not because of his work,” Sehbai shared. Ahmed also admitted that she does not keep an eye on her husband’s work.

Asked whether she immediately agreed to Sahbai’s proposal, Ahmed said it took her some time. Furthermore, when asked about the changing tides of time and the changes he has witnessed, Ahmed said, “Nothing can live in a vacuum or remain static. Life has to move forward, things have to change.” That has to change. I have seen that change, a lot but when you ask me about the impact on character selection, I don’t think so. I really appreciate our actors. They work with hard work and dedication. “

When Sahbai was asked a similar question, she simply said, “It’s not my job to comment on other actors. It’s not my problem. Whatever work I do in this profession, I do it for myself. I don’t care about anyone.” “Don’t do it for.” The director, nor do I do it for the audience. This is mine. this is my work. I don’t have an audience in mind for whom I work. I work for myself. Some like it, some don’t – it’s up to them.”

Chaudhary then asked how this thought process matched Mansoor’s thought process, to which Sehbai clarified that they never had differences of opinion. “Shoaib Mansoor never hindered my work. I did it.” Lyrics, I played the character as I wanted. Shoaib Mansoor did not create any hindrance in my work. Nor did he ever say, ‘Do this, this is not right, etc.’ He didn’t say anything even once.” He highlighted how his attitude towards a character depends on him. Furthermore, he emphasized that although it is a creative work, one has to That should be what creativity is.

When asked if the actors had time to invest in the entire process of getting into their characters, both Sehbai and Ahmed admitted that they rarely had enough time. Despite this, Ahmed reiterated, “Whoever is working in this field, I say that despite many obstacles, they work with all their strength, honesty and according to my experience they do everything they can.” they can do.” The debate then continued over the commercial and consumer aspects of projects and narratives.

Sehbai also joked about being fluent in the language of silence – something she jokingly claimed she learned after marriage. Apart from this, he also talked about his love for Urdu language. “This Urdu language that I use, it is not mine,” said Sahbai. “Neither is German my language. My mother tongue is Punjabi. We are Kashmiris. Generally, people use one language. Again, developing a relationship with a language is very important. If you want to create magic and beauty in the use of a language, you have to develop that relationship.”

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