HomeLifestyle FashionJoint yoga protocol from Union Ministry of Ayush - vopbuzz

International Yoga Day, celebrated every year on June 21, was established by the United Nations in 2014 to recognize the universal benefits of yoga. This day promotes global awareness of yoga’s holistic approach to physical, mental and spiritual health. Originating in ancient India, yoga encompasses practices that increase flexibility, strength and inner peace.International Yoga Day It encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to practice yoga, emphasizing the role of yoga in improving harmony and balance in life. Events and workshops are held worldwide, uniting individuals in the common pursuit of health and peace through yoga.
This time Prime Minister Narendra ModiA key figure in promoting yoga worldwide since 2015, he will lead the celebrations in Srinagar.
“Yoga for Self and Society” is a theme. Ministry of Ayush, dedicated the 10th International Yoga Day (IDY -2024) to the celebration of IDY. It is for the individual, for his general development and for society in general.

International Yoga Day: How does yoga affect reproductive health in women?

Today, Yoga is not only a physical and mental activity for the new generation, but also an activity that helps them relieve stress. We all struggle in this modern life. Everyone is under stress from their life; They are all very workaholics and excessive tool users. This causes physical and psychological problems. If we want to change the new generation, we need to break the pattern of life and change them completely to adopt a more beautiful lifestyle. It is possible with yoga. Yoga is not just a physical exercise. It can help you become competent in all areas: physical, mental and spiritual.
Nutrition rules for yoga
A few nutritional guidelines can ensure that the body and mind are flexible and well prepared for the practice of Yoga. A vegetarian diet is generally recommended, and for a person over 30 years of age, two meals a day should be sufficient, except in cases of illness or high physical activity or labor.

How can yoga help?
Yoga is actually a path to liberation from all bondages. However, medical research in recent years has revealed the many physical and mental benefits that Yoga offers and has confirmed the experiences of millions of practitioners. A small sample of research points to specific benefits of doing Yoga, such as:
Yoga is beneficial for physical conditioning, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular health.

  • It is useful in the treatment of diabetes, respiratory disorders, hypertension and hypotension.
  • and many lifestyle-related disorders.
  • Yoga helps reduce depression, fatigue, anxiety disorders and stress.
  • Yoga helps regulate menstrual and menopause symptoms.
  • Yoga is the process of creating a healthy body and a stable mind, which are prerequisites for living an enthusiastic and fulfilling life.

Yoga is not just a physical exercise. It can help you become competent in every aspect: physically, mentally and spiritually. Asanas and pranayama improve your physical and mental health. Meditation leads to spiritual growth. Shat Kriyas (six types of cleansing) aim to cleanse the inner body. Yama teaches you how to live harmoniously in society. Niyama teaches you how to develop self-discipline and deal with the individual (yourself).

By exploring and practicing all aspects of yoga, you can potentially contribute to global positive change.
As stated in the common Yoga protocol of the Ministry of Ayush, you should do the following before practicing:

  • Śauca means cleansing; It is an important prerequisite for yoga practice. It includes cleansing the environment, body and mind.
  • Yoga practice should be done in a calm and quiet environment with a relaxed body and mind.
  • Yoga practice should be done on an empty stomach or with a light stomach. If you feel weak, consume a small amount of honey in warm water.
  • Before starting yoga practices, the bladder and intestines must be empty.
  • A mattress, Yoga mat, durrie or folded blanket should be used for the application.
  • Wearing light and comfortable cotton clothes helps facilitate comfortable movement of the body.
  • Yoga should not be done under conditions of fatigue, illness, rush or acute stress.
  • If a person has any chronic disease, pain or heart problem, he/she must consult a physician or Yoga specialist before practicing Yoga.
  • Yoga experts should be consulted before starting Yoga practices during pregnancy and menstruation.
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