HomeLifestyle FashionHeatstroke Death News: First death due to heatstroke in National Capital: Warning...

Skin feels warm: One of the primary indicators of heatstroke is skin that feels unusually hot to the touch. This is often accompanied by the appearance of redness and rashes.

Fast heartbeat: Heat stroke can cause the heart to beat faster as it tries to compensate for increased body temperature.

Throbbing headache: A severe, throbbing headache is a common symptom of heatstroke, caused by the brain’s response to extreme heat. This headache is often one of the first symptoms of a serious heat-related condition.

dizziness: Dizziness and lightheadedness occur due to the body’s effort to maintain blood pressure and circulation under extreme heat stress. This can lead to fainting or loss of balance, increasing the risk of falls and injury.

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