HomeLifestyle FashionOrigin of Foods

There is no dearth of food items in the world and most of them are consumed all over the world. Interestingly, there are many myths and facts about the origin of almost a countless number of foods in use, and they’re usually fun to explore.

Sometimes such finds turn out to be surprising and amusing, although in any case they are extremely informative and fascinating.


Watermelons originated from various African countries, with 5,000-year-old archaeological sites as well as ancient seeds found inside the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, with evidence that watermelons were originally not only a food source, but They were also used as a way of storing water. ,

coffee species


There are several stories about the origins of coffee, with one stating that it was first discovered over 1,000 years ago in Ethiopia when a goat herder noticed that his animals became agitated after eating beans from the coffee plant. Are.

Thinking he had received something from heaven, he presented the beans to local monks, who thought it was the work of the devil and threw the beans into a fire.

The wonderful smell of roasting coffee beans filled the room, and tea-drinking monks poured water over the crushed beans, immediately falling in love with the new drink.

Caesar salad

Caesar salad

Contrary to popular belief, Julius Caesar was not involved in the creation of this popular side dish. Instead it can be attributed to Cesar Cardini, who was running a restaurant in Tijuana when he started running out of food during a busier-than-usual weekend. their solution was
To grab what little ingredients she had left and toss them table side into the chef’s salad, which he called a Caesar salad.

Needless to say, his diners that night loved the combination of romaine, croutons, parmesan, and hard-boiled eggs, so the dish remained on the menu.



Corn, or maize as it is known by many, is not a naturally occurring crop, but one that had to be cultivated through human intervention.

It has been reported that all of the world’s corn originates from a domestication in southern Mexico over 9,000 years ago. Originally, the plant was only an inch tall, but selective breeding by the farmers who grew it helped corn grow to the size it is today.

chocolate fatty foods sweet brain


The use of chocolate dates back to 450 BC in Central America, where many believed that cacao seeds were a gift from the god of wisdom. It was once prepared as a drink that was thought to not only provide strength, but also act as an aphrodisiac.

Chocolate was so valuable that cacao seeds were often even used as currency throughout the region.

olive food origin


Evidence has been found to show that olive trees were present within the Mediterranean Sea as early as 20–40 million years ago.

They were grown commercially by 3000 BC and may have been entirely responsible for the wealth of the Minoan civilization as they traded the popular fruit with others.

#Origin #Foods

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