HomeLifestyle FashionArmina praised the Indian man for his inclusive and kind words.

India’s successful space mission to the Moon is abuzz on the internet and celebrities both within and across the border are celebrating the historic moment with their thoughts and congratulatory messages.

Pakistani actress Armina Khan indirectly commented on the situation when she quoted-tweeted and replied to an Indian man who said Chandrayaan-3’s moon landing was a success celebrated by all of South Asia. should go.

Twitter user Ankit Tripathi said this is not a victory for any one country or faith, but for all countries and faiths living in South Asia – a region generally seen as backward in terms of scientific advancement and innovation goes. In return, Armina commended him for his generosity in claiming that this was a moment to celebrate for all South Asians, regardless of their nationality or religion.

The exchange began when former BBC-sports journalist and now YouTuber Rasheed Shakoor posted on Twitter about the fact that India has reached the moon, but people in Pakistan are still watching the moon on the eve of Eid. Are going to fight about. In his tweet, he emphasized the idea that the discrepancy between the achievements of Pakistan and India in the field of science and technology comes from the difference in the way of thinking of the two countries.

Rasheed’s tweet was a direct criticism of the Pakistani people and their tendency to focus on trivial matters instead of focusing their energy on something important. Ankit commented below this tweet that India’s achievement of becoming the fourth country to land on the Moon is an achievement worth celebrating for all South Asians. He concluded his remarks by encouraging Rasheed to rejoice and said that, one day, Pakistan too would cross this milestone.

Armina came to know about this conversation and decided to join in, appreciating Ankit’s gracious comment.

Ankit’s original comment below Rasheed’s tweet read: “This is a success for the entire human race, especially South Asia. It represents all the moons, Eid, Shivratri, the birth of Guru Nanak Devji and Easter Sunday. It represents you, me and all of us. Enjoy it. Someday, your country will be there too.”

In response, Armina wrote, “What a beautiful comment. I wish we had more inclusive people like you in the world. Be blessed and enjoy this moment. Congratulations.”

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