HomeLifestyle FashionHow to avoid a heart attack during exercise?

Always warm up before exercising. (Photo: Twitter)

Exercising is very beneficial for our health. Exercising helps prevent heart disease while diabetes and obesity can also be controlled.
According to NDTV, while there are many benefits of exercise, there are also reports of people having heart attacks during or shortly after exercise, after which the question arises whether to exercise. Can you have a heart attack?
Exercise does not usually cause a seizure directly, but there are some mistakes that can be made during exercise that can lead to a seizure.
Let’s know how to avoid heart attack while exercising.

Begin exercise slowly and patiently

If you are exercising, start it slowly and keep the duration low in the beginning and then gradually increase the duration. This will let your heart know what your body needs. For example, if you run, start with a gentle jog (slow jogging) and then gradually increase the speed. Running too fast at the start can put stress on your heart and increase your risk of a heart attack.

Warm up

Always warm up before exercising and allow your body to cool down after exercising. This will reduce the pressure on your heart and the heart rate will gradually decrease and increase. Warm-up can be done by walking and stretching before exercise, while breathing exercises and stretching can be used to cool down the body after exercise.

Knowing your limits during exercise can also help prevent a heart attack. (Photo: Pixabay)

Do not allow the body to become dehydrated

Staying hydrated is very important for a healthy heart. During exercise, water is released from the body in the form of sweat, so it is very important to compensate for the lack of water. Dehydration from sweating can be replenished by drinking water or ‘sports water’ containing electrolytes.

Monitor heart rate

Monitoring heart rate during exercise can also prevent heart attacks. Check your heart rate record with ‘Heart Rate Monitor’ during exercise and keep it at a healthy level. According to the American Heart Association, our heart rate should be between 50 and 85 percent of maximum.

Choose the right exercise

Choosing the right exercise can also prevent heart attacks. Exercise such as swimming, cycling and walking should be chosen, which reduces the stress on the heart. Exercising such as fast running and jumping puts extra stress on the heart and increases the risk of heart attack.

Know your limits

Knowing your limits during exercise can also help prevent a heart attack. Don’t burden yourself with extra exercise and understand what your body needs. If you feel dizzy or have chest pain during exercise, stop exercising immediately.

Staying hydrated is very important for a healthy heart. (Photo: Getty Images)

Keep your cool

Exercising in hot weather can put extra strain on the heart. Avoid exercising during extreme heat and drink plenty of water. Wear light-colored and loose clothing during exercise to keep your body cool.

Seek medical advice

If you suffer from any physical condition, consult your doctor before starting any exercise. He can help you exercise properly and provide guidance on how to avoid heart attacks.

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